Chapter 6

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"Distance means so little, when someone means so much."

-----Rob's POV-----

Since we got home later our dad was asleep, we tried our hardest not to make a sound to wake him up. I made it to my room without making a lot of noises. I think Tym made it to her room quietly too. I went to sleep without any nightmares.

I woke up the next morning to my super annoying alarm. I turned it off and got dressed and was ready for school. Before I left, I went to see if Tym was up and ready too. She wasn't she was still asleep in her bed, I had to wake her up. After I did that I waited downstairs for her, once she came down we left. The school day went fast until we got to PE. In our school students are supposed to change in the locker rooms, and my problem is I didn't want to take off my jacket. So when I got down there and was changing I avoided taking off my jacket and everyone was staring at me, who does running in a jacket? When I was done, I went back upstairs.

"If you want to keep the jacket on then it's ok, just know that you're going to sweat a lot." The teacher told me. I looked at my sister and she too had her jacket on. The first thing we had to do was run a few laps around the track, after that we had to do an activity that involved moving. So, for our activity we just walked around the track with Preston and Dylan.

"So what should we talk about?" Dylan asked.

"Oh, what about pokemon." Tymorilyn said.

"Ok, what about it?" Dylan replied.

"What is your favorite pokemon, mine is Espeon." Tymorilyn said.

"Mine is Umbreon." I said.

"Bulbasaur." Dylan said.

"Preston?" Tym asked.

"My favorite pokemon is Snivy." Preston said.

"Ok, next question is would you rather have a dragon or be a dragon?" Tym asked.

"Would you be able to switch between human and dragon?" Dylan asked.


"How big would you be and how big is the pet dragon?"

"You would turn into a small one, your pet is 8 feet tall."

"Definitely be a dragon." Tym said.

"Yeah." Dylan agreed.

"Yep." Preston said.

"Yes." I said. We all agreed on the same thing.

"Next question, would you rather be able to change the past or see into the future?" Dylan asked.

"Be able to see into the future." Tym said.

"Yeah, there is no point in changing the past." Dylan said. We all agreed with him.

"Ok, I got one." I said.

"Would you rather never be able to drink coffee again, or never watch TV again."

"That's easy, no coffee." Dylan said.

"Coffee is replaceable." Preston said.

"I wouldn't be able to give up my anime." Tym said.

"Would you rather run at 100 mph or fly at 10 mph?" I asked

"Fly." Tym said.

"Really? I would rather be able to run." I said.

"Flying would be cool, but not if it was 10 mph it would take forever to get where you want." Dylan said.

"I'm gonna say flying too." Preston said. After a few more minutes of small talk around the track the teacher told us to go back in, change into clothes, then wait for the bell to ring.

They rest of the week went just like that except I ended up having more homework than usual. We played different games in PE had tons of stuff to do in almost all classes. I talked to Preston to see if Tym and I could come over Saturday to finish some of it, he said it would be fine. Now all I had to do was talk to my dad about it. When school got out Friday we went home and our dad was at work. The first thing I did was go to my room and get a head start on the homework assignments. I didn't do the ones that I couldn't think of I just did the ones that I knew. I worked a bit on all the subjects, by the time I was done it was almost 7:00. I went downstairs to get something to eat for supper. When I was halfway down the stairs I heard the TV on and when I saw it, it was a football game.

I tried my hardest to be as quiet as I could and get to the kitchen. When I did, I made a sandwich and ate it in there. When I was done I walked out and my dad was getting up and saw me.

"I didn't know you were here." He snarled at me.

"Yeah, where else?"

"I thought you were going to your friend's house."

"I am tomorrow."

"Great, more play time for me." He grabbed me by the scruff of my shirt and dragged me downstairs into the basement. He tied me up and instead of using a whip, he used the blades that he uses on my sister. He didn't cut me before, he only whipped because he wanted us to experience different types of pain. I don't think he knows Tym is here either. He made 10 cuts on each arm and 8 cuts on my stomach. It hurt a lot, I can't think of a word to describe how much pain I am in. Once he was done, he untied me and went upstairs to finish watching his football game. I went back upstairs, into the bathroom and cleaned myself like I usually do for Tym.

When I was done, I went to my room and layed on my bed. I started thinking about what is going to happen tomorrow. I get to see Preston, and Dylan. I might even see their parents too.

"I can't wait till tomorrow." I murmured to myself, then drifted off to sleep.

Beginning of the End- The pack fanfiction ^-^Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat