Keeping Distance ~ Normani

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Y/N's POV:

"Y/N/N for the last time can we listen to something else besides this music. Lauren's song is pretty dope, let's put it on" Dinah says as Lo cuddles up to her girlfriend.

As we were arguing, Ally stole someone's phone from the centre compartment of the range rover and changed it to JT. Once the girls realised the song change they all groaned.

"You know what let's listen to the radio" I put it on KIIS FM and the one person they don't need to hear from right now is co-hosting the show.

"Hey guys it's Camila Cabello and yo-" Lauren plugs the phone back in and JT played softly in the background as no one talked for the rest of the car ride.

I pulled up to my beach house and the girls quickly got out and went inside. We all figure out our rooms before we came so that wasn't an issue. Mani said she was unpacking but she was silent the whole car trip so I knew something was wrong. She's usually singing and dancing with the girls, but not today. I saw Mani lying on the bed staring at the wall. I lay next to her and wrap my arm around her stomach.

"Baby girl what's the matter?" I say adding a kiss on the cheek. I get no response.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" I ask her again and the exact same thing happens.

"When you want to talk text me okay?" I say putting her phone on the bedside table and a peck on her cheek.

Normani's POV:

I feel guilty for not talking or doing anything with the girls or Y/N. My grandma is in hospital and mom said she's looking okay. I also feel guilty for not being with my family but my parents said that they'll okay and they want me to enjoy being away with my friends. I haven't told the girls or Y/N about my grandma, I don't want them to worry. I grab my phone of the bedside table and text Y/N.

(Normani - right Y/N - left)

come cuddle?
sure thing princess, want anything?
yeah, ur cuddles
okay coming now

In a minute or less I feel those familiar arms around my waist. I roll over and pull her closer to me. I bury my face in her neck and grip onto her tight, like I don't want to let go.

"Woah baby are you okay? You're gripping on pretty hard" Y/N says worriedly

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling" I look up at her and my eyes are stinging with tears.

"Baby don't cry. Tell me what's going on" she rubs my lower back, calming me down slightly.

"My um grandma is in hospital but my parents say she is okay but I just have a feeling she's not you know?" Y/N nods and kisses my forehead.

"How about this, if you hear any news or want to be with your family I'll drive you to the airport" I nod

"I think I might stay here but can you tell the girls please?"

"Mani is it my place to tell?"

"Yeah baby it's fine. I'm gonna have a nap" I lean forward and kiss her lips softly before pulling away.

"I'll check on you later but if you need anything text or yell okay?" I nod again and roll over.

Y/N's POV:

I walk back into the kitchen and run my fingers through my hair. I guess that Jauregui habit I picked up from my older sister. I walk over to the girls who are happily munching on popcorn and hug Laur.

"What's wrong Y/N/N?"

"Mani wanted me to tell you that her grandma is in hospital and she might have to go home but we aren't 100% sure" all the girls gasp and start to walk to our room.

"Girls she's sleeping!" I whisper. They walk back into the kitchen and sit on the bar stools.

"Are you going to go with her?" Ally asks

"I don't know Als. I mean it is family matter so maybe I'll let her go, she needs to be with her family"

"Baby?" We all turn our heads to the bottom of the stairs. I see Mani with messy hair, a blanket around her and mascara down her face. I run over to her and she falls into my arms.

"Shh baby it's okay. What happened?"

"She she" I knew exactly what she was trying to say. Mani wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly.

"Shh baby you don't have to say anything"

"Come with me please" she whispers into my neck. I nodded and kissed her forehead.

"Yo Laur book 2 plane tickets for tonight please" she nodded and started typing on her phone.

"Dinah and Ally can you bring our bags down here please?" they nod and walk upstairs.

"Alright your flight is at 10 so you have a few hours. I emailed the boarding passes to you" I look at my watch and it's 3:30 now.

"Okay thanks Laur" I walk over to Mani and pull her into my arms and mouth a 'thank you' to Dinah and Ally.

"We have to leave at 7 princess so what do you want to do?"

"Cuddle on the couch please"

"Sounds good babe. Everything will be okay I promise" we move to the couch and she covers the both of us with her blanket.

***Skip to funeral***

Normani's POV:
Today was the day. I've been awake all night and couldn't get to sleep. I hop out of bed and walk into the bathroom to have a shower and get dressed into a bra and panties. I walk out of my bathroom to see Y/N still sleeping. I smile and crawl into bed and kiss her cheek repeatedly.

"Wake up sexy" I whisper in her ear

"Mm babe 5 more minutes"

"No babe we are leaving in 20" she jumps out of bed knowing has an hours worth of getting ready to do in 20 minutes.

"God damn it babe ugh" She says looking back at me before turning her shower on.

I slip my dress and heels on before checking myself in the mirror. I straighten my hair and put the necklace that gram gave me for my 18th birthday. Y/N walks out of the bathroom wearing a nice simple black dress. She wraps her arms around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"You look beautiful baby. It's time to go, are you ready?" I nod and grab my purse and Y/N's hand.


The funeral finished and we went back to my apartment to start packing again.

"I hate leaving after what happened" I say as my eyes well up

"I know babe but your family understands that you have a job to get back to" Y/N says

"Yeah I guess so. Are you going back to Miami or LA?"

"I'm coming with you until I know you're 110% okay" I smile and kiss her passionately.

"I'm sorry I haven't been so affectionate lately" I say looking down. Y/N tilts my head up so I'm looking into her chocolate brown eyes.

"Oh baby don't be sorry okay. It's totally okay, plus you can always make it up to me" Y/N says smirking.

"Oh really?"

I push her down on the couch and lean up to kiss her roughly. I straddle her waist and lean up further to grab the TV remote. I then get off her and sit cross legged as Y/N still has her mouth wide open.

"Oh baby close your mouth, you'll catch flies" she pouts and moves to the love seat.

"Don't give me that look. Come back here and love meee" I say dragging out the 'e'. Y/N rolls her eyes and jumps on top of me.

"Okay get off, your heavy" I say

"Wow Mani, way to a girl's heart" Y/N says giving a fake shocked expression.

"Come here dork" I grab a fistful of her shirt and pull it towards me making our lips smash together.

We ended up having a peaceful night, ordering takeout, having little makeoits and watch dreamgirls for only the 727th time. We are flying to Miami in the morning and continuing out little getaway at my beach house with the girls.

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