Valedictorian Pt 2 ~ Dinah

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This is a continuation of Valedictorian...

Y/N's POV:

"Teagan are you ready? We are leaving in 5 minutes. If you're not ready you are staying with Aunt Gina" I yell up the stairs.

"Why are we even going to Miami?" Teagan asks coming down the stairs with her suitcase.

"Your mama and I used to babysit a girl called Jessie and she is the valdictorian. It would mean the world to her so we are going" I say kissing her head

"Plus the deal was if you didn't whine or complain we can go to Disneyworld for a few days" I hear Dinah say from behind me.

"Fine okay. Can we see Aunt Lauren and Normani too?" Teagan says jumping up and down.

"That can be arranged sweetie" Teagan squeals and runs to the car.

I turn around to D and wrap my arms around her neck. I leaned in a gave her a quick kiss but she pulled me back for more.

"Dinah, babe we gotta go. Maybe Teagan can spend a night with Lauren and Normani and maybe we could have some alone time" I say whispering in her ear and nipping it slightly.

"S-sounds good b-babe. I'll get the um yeah" I giggle and follow her to get our bags.

We arrive at our hotel in Miami city and it's only 10 minutes from Jessie's school. We are all pretty beat from the flight so we stay in and get rest for the ceremony tomorrow.

We have arrived in the school's football field and luckily found 3 seats at the back. The principal walks up to the microphone and taps on it a few times to make sure it was working. I intertwine my hands with Dinah and smiles and kisses my hand.

"Good morning students, parents and staff to the graduation ceremony of the Class of 2026. This class has represented this school tremendously in the past 4 years through academics, sport and also through the community. Without further a do, I would like to welcome to the microphone valedictorian Jessie Jackson" the loud sound of everybody clapping filled my ears and I smile widely.

"10 years ago I had dyslexia. I was falling behind and it was only the third grade. I had 2 baby sitters, Y/N and Dinah. Even though I got some questions wrong or spelt a word different they taught me to never give up with my dreams and to always do my best at everything. Then ninth grade came and I finally overcame my dyslexia and was the best student I have in my entire life. I don't if they are here today but if Y/N and Dinah are here today I want to say thank you. If you take one thing from my speech today I want you to never give up with your dreams and to always do your best. Also I want to thank my parents for supporting me from day one even though you had to work every night. I love you. Congratulations class of 2026" Jessie finished her speech and everyone clapped. I didn't notice I was crying until I feel Teagan wiping my tears.

"You were crying mommy" I smile and kiss her forehead.

"Thank you sweetheart and we are definitely going to see Aunt Lauren and Normani and going to Disney World"

"Thank you Jessie for that inspiring speech. Now for the students to receive their diplomas. Firstly, Andy Anderson" I rest my head on Dinah's shoulder knowing how long this process goes.

When the ceremony finished we walked around trying to find any of the Jackson's. I felt Dinah elbow my rib softly and pointed to 3 people near the stage.

"Is that her?" I ask uncertain

"There's only one way to find out" We walked over to Jessie and her friends pointed to us then left.

"Hey Jess" I say

"Oh my gosh Y/N, Dinah! I didn't think you guys would show"

"Of course we showed. We wouldn't of missed it for the world. Look how grown up you are, you are beautiful" Dinah says politely.

"And who's this princess?"

"This is Teagan, our daughter" I say smiling nudging her forward a bit to speak to Jessie.

"Hi princess, I like your dress" Jessie says

"Thank you. I liked your speech" Jessie smiles and we see two people walking over.

"Dinah? Y/N? Is that you?" Ashlee asks.

"Hello Ashlee and Luke how are you both?" Dinah said after we hug them.

"We are good. How about you two? And who's this" Luke asks.

"We are also good. This is our daughter Teagan. Teegs say hello to Ashlee and Luke"

"Hi, nice to meet you"

"Same to you Teagan. How about we catch up over a celebration lunch at our house say 12pm?" Ashlee suggests as it was 11am now.

"That sounds wonderful. Do you still live in the same house?" Dinah asks.

"Yes we do" Luke says

"Perfect, we will see you at 12pm"

We end up having a nice BBQ lunch and it turns out that Jessie is going to be studying law at UCLA after summer

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