Everyone Has A Soul: The Clock Strikes Two

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                                                     E V E R Y O N E  H A S  A  Soul

                                                    Dear Noah, Everyone Has A Soul


                                                 T H E  C L O C K  S T R I K E S  T W O


Emily peeled her eyes open and glared at the harsh yellow light above her. It made her eyes sting to the point tears began to form. With an irritated grunt she turned away, only to yelp in pain. What she presumed was normally a soft material beneath her, felt like hot burning coils against her skin. Everything felt so sensitive. Jerking out of her half sleep state she bolted up, only to hiss in pain again.

          "What the heck happened?" she murmured to herself.

         "I was about to ask you that!" A voice that sent an icy chill down her spin, muttered from the open doorway. Standing there, arms crossed over his chest, was the vampire. She bolted out of bed, despite the gut wrenching pain that burned across her skin, and charged at him, with clenched teeth as she fought through the pain. She was consumed by rage, with little sense but to kill him. She didn’t get very far though, as it seemed an invisible force stopped her; knocking her backwards. The small piece of the Soul Star glowed as she hit the wall with a cry and a thud. She clutched her head as pain coursed through her, but once it subsided she felt a wave of sickening realisation. Of course the vampire didn’t know what was going on, only another Soul Saviour could understand. Her heart suddenly jerked in fear and anger. She comprehended that her soul had been bound to a vampire.

         "No," she muttered, "I cant-I won't...I won’t allow this!"

         She rose of the floor in one powerful motion shooting him with a look that could kill. She clenched her fists and wanted so scream with everything she had. How could fate be this cruel? She had to get ride of this soul bond, otherwise she couldn't kill him. A soul bond would reject any attempts to kill each other for if it allowed it to happen they would not only kill the other person but themselves. The only known cause to break a soul bond was a shadow attack. It was said an invisible line was drawn between the two people and an attack by a shadow across that said line would break the bond instantly. However it was risky, as if the attack hit one of their souls, they would both die instantly.

         “If you know something tell me,” he said bluntly. She whizzed around and stalked right up to him, despite the burning pain that ran through her body as she walked. When she reached him she met his black gaze levelly, her eyes probably glowing once more.

          “Try asking that again vampire,” She sneered through clenched teeth. He didn’t say anything, not even a curse, a hiss or threaten to rip her heart out and feed it to her mother before he killed her too (which she had been threatened with before). Instead to her utter horror he reached out and touched her? She felt her skin crawl as his icy hands landed on both sides of her face, and it only got worse when she felt that familiar glow rise up again. Sick she tried to jump back, but it was too late. Whatever she had feared the Soul Star would do to her next didn’t compare to what actually happened. No nothing compared to the terrible memories that hit her like a brick house. He felt it too; by the way he flinched back.

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