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I felt free, I felt like I had no worries. Over the months, I had tried every kind out there. Pot, heroine, Molly, LSD, Cocaine, Ecstasy, and Benzodiazepine.
I sat beside Allegra on the couch, hold the bong. She showed me first, then it was my turn. The first hit burned my lungs, I coughed. "Hit it again! Deep this time, hold it in!" some guys yelled. I did so. It felt thick in my lungs, I could feel it. It burned my throat as I held it, I exhaled. "One big hit, you're got it." I looked up and saw Nick, his facial expression was unreadable. I pressed my lips to the opening and inhaled the biggest. I held it. When I released, I felt myself fly.
It was a week later, I was at another party. They were doing hardcore drugs, I tried pills. It took about ten minutes until it hit me, the energy courses through me. Everything was intense, the light was bright. I was hyper.
Two weeks later, Jack handed me a small sticker like thing. "It's triple dipped, you'll love it." he said. "Put it on your tongue.. come sit." he pulled me down to the couch. I followed his movements, Nick watched me from side. I placed the sticker onto my tongue, it instantly began tingling. Soon, my entire body was tingling with this high sensation. I began seeing things, my vision waved. The trip was great. "Woow! Go Ana!!!" They cheered. I loved the attention.
It was similar to Molly. I got a rush of energy, all sensations were heightened.
We snorted through a hundred dollar bill rolled up. It burned my nose, it stuck to the back of my throat. I coughed, rubbing my nose. I only intended on one line, but ended up doing seven after everyone cheered me on. My energy was increased, a feeling of euphoria erupted inside me. My mood was high, so was I. "Fuck yeah!" They yelled. "Hell yeah!" I said my first curse.
Nothing special happened, I calmed down completely and chilled. I also got drunk, like, drunk.
This one. This one got me addicted. I remembered being super nervous, I was afraid of what I was going to feel. When Marisa smacked my vein, inserted the needles, pulled some blood, and pushed, I felt a wave of warmth wash over me. It was like someone had laid the most fluffiest blanket over me and rid my worries. I remember my eyes rolling back in pleasure, the sensation was orgasmic. I shook, let out a few moans and leaned back. "How is it?" Marisa asked. "Hit me again." And I was addicted.

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