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I watched Nick's muscles flex as he picked up the bag. It was around two am, the moon casted a glow. "Nick.." I whispered, the clear fog showed my breath. "Hmm?" he turned to me. "Are you sure about this? I mean, this is vandalism." I said, leaning closer to him. Washington gets cold at night. "Anastasia, he fucking called us out. If he thinks we're bad, we'll show him bad." he said, turning to me.
He led me over to Jernes car, stating the bag down. He unzipped it while I looked around. "Here," he tossed a van of spray at me. It fumbled before I caught it, Nick grinned. He grabbed a van and shook it. "Let's get to vandalizing!" he pressed the nozzle.

After he finished his work, he turned to me. "Ana, you haven't even sprayed it yet." he said, I shook my head. "I'm not, I'm just watching." I shrugged. "No, your at least spraying one thing, do the windshield." he handed me a black spray can. "Nick, this isn't right-" I stopped myself. He was looking at me again, when I say something 'pure' he looks at me like I'm a child. I bit my lip, "I'm going to do it.." I said. He smiled. I walked up to the expensive car, taking a deep breath. This is it Ana, this is your new life. I sprayed.

The next morning, I had a headache from the fumes. I groaned and sat up. "Leen, wake up." her alarm clock was buzzing. She groaned loudly, smashing her fist into the mattress. "Fuck school." she sat up slowly. I looked over to the corner, my mouth felt dry. My stomach had this feeling, guilt. What I did last night was wrong, that was a very expensive car. And we ruined it. I shook my head and got up, "When is your class?" She yawned. I told her. "What is your major?" she asked. "Theatre." I said. "No fucking way! Nick, Marisa and I are majoring that. Wow, that's so cool!" she reached down and pulled something out from under her bed. A bong. She took the lighter and took a hit. "Wanna hit?" she coughed. "No thank you." I shook my head. She just nodded. "You know- your the purest I've ever met." she coughed. "Thanks." Why am I so pure? Just because I don't cuss, have casual-sex, smoke, snort, shoot, or do illegal things doesn't make me pure. She opened her mouth to speak but her phone started ringing. "Hello?" she answered. "Woah, slow down. What happened?" she said. I heard muffled speaking, he was talking fast. "Wooah. Let's go see," she smiled. "Yo Ana, grab the marshmallows, we are going to a bonfire." she said.

When we walked to the parking lot, a blaze engulfed a car. Jernes car. Nick was laughing, his face red. "Oh my god! This is so funny!!!" Aenisa slapped her knee. "Guy, what happened?" I asked, Eileen started laughing. Nobody could answer because they were too busy laughing. People started crowding, putting the blaze on snapchat. "What the fuc- My car!!!" Jernes came running up. Nick and my friends just laughed. "You! Your friends did this." he pointed. I felt my cheeks heat up, my palms sweat. "Anastasia.." Jernes sighed, I lowered my head. The police rolled up, a fire truck behind them. "Who is the owner of the car?" A police man walked up. "I am." Jernes tore glare from me. "I am going to ask you some questions, do you know who started this fire?" he asked, pulling out a pad. "No, I don't." he said, looking over at me. "Would you like for us to pull the tape and open a case?" the man asked, my blood ran cold. "No." Jernes replied. "Are you going to sue?" he asked. "No, I'm not." he frowned at me. I frowned.

On the way to my class, I stopped by Jernes class. "Um.. can I talk to you?" I asked. "Sure, have a seat." he sat down behind his desk. I laid my backpack down, sitting in the seat. "I'm sorry. I really am. Eileen is my roommate, I don't want a transfer. Aenisa and Marisa are my friends, as well as Nick and Jason. What they do, is strictly them. I went my entire grade school without real friends. I never spent the night with girlfriends on the weekend, I studied. I never went on a date, I studied. I chose this, just like I chose to have these friends. So far, it's only been a few days and I'm already feeling at home. I'm not planning to become like them, I won't." I said, holding back the tears. "Sweetheart, I'm not mad. I knew it was Nick and Jason, I saw them. But I didn't sue because I know how you feel, I lost my bestfriend when I was your age. Only just a few years ago." he said, I nodded. "Mr Jernes-" he cut me off, "Liam." He said. "Mr Liam, I am very sorry for their actions. I will do my best to make sure nothing ever happens again." I said honestly. "I can't be late for Lyles class." I grabbed my back pack and threw it over my shoulder. "Have a good day Ana," he called as I left.

Nick came in late, like, fifteen minutes late. I just inhaled and kept writing. He pulled out the chair from beside me and took a seat. "Hey." He said, I mumbled a hey. "Where were you this morning? I stopped by your dorm but you weren't there." he asked. "I went-" should I tell him? "I went to Fraizer's." I lied. "Oh okay, next time call me and I'll go with you." I just nodded.

The class ended and everyone left. "Ana, can I uh.. can I ask you something?" Nick asked, jogging up. I nodded. "Do you think-.. do you think we're bad people?" he whispered. "No! Nick, no." I wasn't sure if I was being honest, or attempting to not offend him. He nodded.

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