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As she walked into WSU, her heart pounded in her chest. "Come on sweetheart," her mother perked, her bright red lipstick smeared perfectly on her lips. Anastasia pulled her pencil skirt down, smoothing the fabric. She adjusted her cardigan and took in a deep breath. "Alright, let's do this." she smiled. As they walked further in the halls, a blonde haired, surfer like guy walked in front of our view. "Hello! Hi, welcome to Washington State, how are you?" he said, his voice not fitting his gender. "Hi, this is Anastasia." Her mother introduced her. "I'm Ashley, is there anything I can help you with mam?" he asked. "Actually yes. Where is room.. uh three oh five B?" her mother asked, scanning over the paper. "Right this way! I'll help with those." he twitched, his eyes glistened. He reached over and grabbed a few of her bags, spun on his heels, and began walking. "So, where are you from!" he cheered, not even turning to look at her. "I uh.. I'm from Florida." Anastasia said, nervously flattening her skirt. "Wow! We have folks from all over, I'm from Canada." he said, she could hear the smile in his voice. Ana just nodded.
They walked for a few more minutes until he stopped, turned to the door and knocked. "I'm sure your roommate is already in here." he nodded. A few seconds later, the door swung open, revealing a blonde haired girl. She had a sucker in her mouth, she smiled at Ana. "Hi! I'm Eileen, you must be Anastasia." she stuck out her hand, Ana shook it. Ana's eyes flashed to the bed on the left of the room, the multi-colored bong smoking a bit. This is going to be fun.

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