Papyrus raised an eyebrow as Sans sighed warmly.

"Yeah, well, sometimes, even if they don't like it, the kid needs the nap," Sans stated. You eyed him intently,

"I'm not... A kid...." But before you could even go on, your body gave way to sleep.


You woke up, this time with just a light sigh. Shuffling in the blanket, you tried to get up straight with extra caution. A stabbing pain entered below your chest, and your face grimaced from using the wrong movement. Nevertheless, you pushed past the aches to sit up straight.

With more control over your body now, you decided to look at the room more observably this time.

In front of you at the left corner, was a computer with a window behind it. Near the door on your right, a box was laid down with a bunch of dog treats in it. The red walls were dog bone designs and the floor was covered with a blue and purple zigzagged matting. You looked at your left, and right next to the bed was a table with a collection of action figurines. They look like the monsters in Snowdin.
The wall behind it had a black poster of pirate flag, and beside it was a shelf full of books. A door to a closet was between the shelf and the computer, and a fire designed mat was by the bed.
It was quite the homey feel.

Sans had been leaning against the side of the bed the whole time. It looked like he had fallen asleep halfway waiting for you to wake up. You looked at the door and noticed it was closed. Great. There was a good chance that you could get up and sneak your way out of the room.

Slowly crawling to the front of the bed, you tried to keep steady from creaking the bed too much. You flopped onto the front of the car frame and slide down. In a hurry, you toppled over and quickly scurried over to the door.

Before you could race out, you took a quick glance at Sans. He's back was still against the bed, and his sockets were closed. His chest rose and fell smoothly. He looked fast asleep. With relief washing over you, you steps out of the room.

The view from the top of the house was quite different and more intriguing than from below. The same zigzagged matter filled the entire floor of the house. At the far right, there was a small round table with a red book on it. Beside it was the green couch and the left from the entranceway a table by the wall with a rock on a plate.

You leaned over the bar and squinted, wondering why you didn't realize this before. Honestly, the skeletons' house is really a warm place to stay in.

You tiptoed your way down the stairs, careful to not make a sound. When you reached the bottom and saw the surroundings were clear, you ran to the door and opened it. The wind blew in and you covered your face, almost trying to get rid of the chills. Your feet were greeted by the pain-chilling snow as you stepped away from the doorstep with your eyes closed. God, it was freezing. Reconsidering the plans, you opened your eyes, only to first meet with the one and only Sans.

"Chilling out already? Well, I guess you got the guts to leave like that," he commented. You could feel a heat of nervousness behind your back.

"Ah-... I..." You stammered. He grabbed your arm and pulled you back inside. All your hard work to get out had gone to waste.

As he threw you on the couch, you quickly tried convince him,
"Sans, I have to get going. That child I saw... Something about them catches my eye. And also they're the only other human here..."

"Well, save that for later. Plus, were you really gonna go out there without ya shirt, kid? Not even children would leave their striped sweaters," Sans grabbed your hoodie from a hanger by the door and threw it at your face. You caught it with both hands and pulled it over your head.

"If I was going to save time, then yes. It seems I can't even walk freely on my own anywhere," you argued. Then something clicked in your mind, and you furrowed your eyebrows at Sans, "did... Did you just call me a kid again?"

Sans raised a non existent eyebrow at you, and chuckled. You stared at him intently, "what?"

He laughed as he came over to sit next to you,
"Well, it's just that you're  talking a lot more now."

You paused for a moment, letting his words sink into your mind. As utterly as confused as you were, you asked out loud,
"I am?"

He chuckled, his sockets lit up like a spark of happiness waved over him,
"Yeah. You are."

Sans took a small moment of calm, seeming to enjoy sitting around with you. For a moment, things were serene...

You pursed your lips. Something sparked inside of you, the unfamiliarity seemed to have confused you. What's going on with me...?

A gasp was let out from the small skeleton and you jumped to his feet. The couch shook, making you lay back and grasp onto the arm chair even more. You looked at him, puzzled. Sans seemed to be sweating a little as he went to check the kitchen. When he came back, his wide sockets made you flinch a bit.

"Sans...?" You gave a small whisper. He turned to you, furrowing his sockets. He ran up the stairs, banging open the doors to every room he found. "Is something wrong?"

"P-papyrus.... Where is he?!" He yelled. You were about to flinch but stopped yourself. I can't get scared over the littlest things...
Sans ran back down, fretting around as he mumbled over and over the same thing, "oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no..."

He slammed a table nearby, a small rock fell over creating a clattering sound as sprinkles rolled off as well. "God, he left, didn't he?!"

"..." You didn't know what to say, really. It seemed that tall skeleton was running off everywhere, and whenever he did, Sans would chase after him. It was like a game of hide and seek tag.

"Please don't tell me he went for Undyne... Not where they are..."  He continued. You perked up at the word they, eyes lighting up.

"They? You mean the human?" You got up to your feet, walking to the door. You could find them easier now. You could find monster kid, and he'll show you where Undyne would be, leading you right where the human is!

"Woah, woah, not so fast," Sans grabbed your arm. You turned around and gave him a sigh,

"If you're finding Papyrus, then I can at least find the human." You stated. He nodded, giving off a smirk,

"Yeah. That's why I'm suggesting that we should go together. I know a shortcut."

Feelings locked up inside (Sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now