Chapter 2

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"What was taking you so long..............."My brother shouted in the phone.

I calmed myself and replied that I was cooking and then my brother started telling me his so called plan.

"Mirielle I have come to a conclusion that the U,S. has become too unsafe for us and specially you so you will be leaving everything and go to London where you can live peacefully and complete graduation"

Again he made me dumstruck.

"Mirielle I know it is difficult but you have to understand that fucking Peter can attack us anytime and all we have is each other so please try to understand."

"But bro what about school, I just started it and most importantly what about you..............?"I somehow managed to say.

"I will also come to London after I finish all my pending work and whatever meeting we will do we will do it in London for now you have to be all alone .Can't risk anybody seeing us together here. "

"But what about school ...?"I said in a whinning voice.

"OK.ok how much time is left to finish this year?"

"Hmmmmmm, about one and a half month." Ya ya, I joined very late. Its actually surprising that they even took me.

"Ok so I think we should be able to manage for this much time and we also have to make the neccessary preparations for you to go to London."

"So I will be going after two months?"I said a bit excited. I just dont know where this excitement came from.

"Yeah you will be goin' the day your school gets over, if possible or most probably the next day."

"Ok bro ttyl."I can't argue with him at all.

"Bye. "


He hung up after that.I just could not believe that he was sending me across the globe just to protect me from that freaking monster . My anger was increasing and I was feeling my wolf begging to come out. But due to my hiding I did not do such a thing as I shifted very rarely, in the middle of the woods. But my claws started to elongate from my knuckles hurting me as they slowly came out.

It was one of my specialities. I had special claws which came out from my knucles only in human form,it reminded me of wolverine.I had always loved the wolverine character but never knew that in future I wold also get those claws. I had told my brother about it but I didn't tell that I had come in contact with a scientist and had converted those bone claws to metal claws. He was researching on werewolves and knew about our existence and by luck I met him and upgraded myself.

I clawed at my sofa in anger and all the cotton came out . That damage somehow calmed me down and after thinkking the whole situation again I went to my bedroom and to have some sleep.

One and a Half months later...

Today was the day I would be leaving the U.S. and reach London. I couldn't help but feel excited now.

Yeah you must be wondering what made a drastic change in me. Actually what happened is that I changed my thoughts for the better. My brother found a college for me in London to do my final year. I searched for flats online and I found a nice three bedroom flat with one roommate because I did not like to spend too much money. Now all that was left was to go to London and get a part time job as I felt guilty in spending my father's money and start school.

I haven't met the roomate but I only know that the owner of the flat had posted the advertisement for a tenant and that one person is already staying. I only knew that it's a she so there is no problem.

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