~Chapter 4: The Ceremony

Start from the beginning

"Come on Evs don't lie I can tell you know." I bow my head. "You know Evs when I had my ceremony. I was the biggest scaredy cat. I got all nervous driving over to Katelyn's house, my grip white on the steering wheel, eyes straight on the road. I swear I was about to shit myself." Lachie snorts.

"But I managed to survive. As soon as Katelyn opened that door, all of the nerves went out the window, and there was just her, in her beautiful mint green dress. God, I was in love with her. But that was before what happened." Lachie says while smiling sadly at the table."Don't worry Lachie you'll find someone better," I reply.

"You have a great soul, Evie. Here I am trying to cheer you up. But no, I failed that and here you are comforting me." I flush slightly, "I'm only trying to help get over Mitzi..." I get interrupted by the doorbell letting out a shrill sound, letting us know that someone was at the door.

"Do you want me to get it?" Lachie offers.

"No I think I'm ready, wish me luck," I say giving him a grin, as a pickup my white clutch, standing up from wooden dining table, pushing my chair in, checking that my dress is in place and everything I need was with me. Opening our big oak door, and I find a tall, broad man, in a royal blue suit standing in front of me, but before I am can get a good look, he disappears. And I find myself standing in front of another man, but he dressed in a black suit and a red tie, I quickly whip my face to his to see who it is.

Ricco Lussier.

The class bad boy. I'm surprised that he isn't wearing a black leather jacket and combat boots. He wears them more than me, which is a marvel in itself because I wear my combat boots like they are glued to my feet.

"Surprized?" His voice seductive and enthralling, he slides his hand into mine, and another around my waist, successfully wrapping me in his embrace. He gently places his chin on my shoulder and whispers into my ear. "You are one of the only things I worked hard for."

"Always the charmer Ricco and Yes I'm very surprised," I say looking into his murky red eyes, searching his face for the magnetic pull that The Promised brings. Feeling nothing, but the same old hate that I feel for him. I give him a death glare that even Mum would be scared of.

"Well, it's time to be surprised yet again because I'm afraid that I have missed my opportunity Because you did not see me first."

Wiggling out of his embrace, I cross my arms and glare at him. "What do you mean 'I didn't see you first' then who am I going with?!" confused I cross I tighten my grip of my white clutch.

"Me." Jase's voice calls out as clear as day. Standing under our red maple tree, where we first met. When I was 9, I climbed the maple tree, and I fell scraping my knee. Jase was playing with his friends, and they all laughed at I saying I was Human and not a real Evo. He was the only one who walked over and asked me if I was all right. I told him the obvious that I fell out of the tree, and I hurt my knee. He helped me walk to the house where he helped put a band-aid on my knee, and we became close friends afterwards. Seeing him under our maple tree makes my heart melt of how we first met, and as soon as I look into his green eyes, I feel that magnetic pull towards him. Making my heart beat faster, and my a longing desire to jump into his arms and kiss him, in a way I would never even dream about. He dressed in his royal blue suit, his hair slightly gelled, but still giving him that ruffled hair look, which suits him so well. His face clean shaven, and he gives me a sly grin on his face, as he walks up to me. He climbs the stairs and stands on my front porch, and he gives me a gentle hug. I breathe him in, and his cologne engulfs my sense of smell. He smells of cedar wood with a warm trail of sage and lemongrass. He smells like home, and I relax comfortably in his arms. "Hey." Jase murmurs, his breath, running down my back.

I look up at him to find him already looking down at me. I look at his light green eyes and see that dark green centre, which sends goosebumps down my spine. His own eyes are piercing into my own electric blue eyes, with a band of gold. "Are you glad I came?" Jase continues. His right-hand holds my cheek, and his thumb runs over my bottom lip, sending a longing up my spine. "Yes..." I say breathlessly. He lowers his head slightly, his golden brown hair, tickling my forehead, and his lips brush against mine, making tingles spread. His hand brings my, face towards his and he presses his lips to mine.



Don't kill me, for ending it here,

Next Chapter will certainly be interesting,

Ship for Jase:

Ship for Ricco?:

(Gasp I have actually edited this!)

All the best,

LoveHeartReader Xx




Words: 2275

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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