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Short stories are one of my real loves in writing. I always have at least a couple in the works, they help me explore my characters in little ways that don't always fit into a longer novel. This collection is all flash fiction, those short stories that come in at 1,000 words or less.

Most of what inspires me for these are small moments in the characters' lives. Since the Blood Mage Verse is a world with magic and supernatural creatures a lot of what I enjoy doing is taking an everyday situation, and thinking "what would be an equivalent in this world". For example in the first story in the collection 'Boredom' is about a quiet night at home without anything much to do. Since the two characters are a mage and a vampire their idea of a game is a bit different.

I hope you enjoy these stories. I appreciate feedback so please let me know in the comments what you think. Also please consider pressing the little star to vote, Wattpad uses votes, comments, and reads to rank stories which helps more people find them.

-- Sheryl

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