chapter 11!!!

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the walk round to my house was tense i could see taylor replaying it in her head. i wanted to say something tell her something give her hope or comfort. but i couldnt i just didnt know how to. i was still angry my muscles were still burning slightly.

we arrived at my house katie,liam and natalie were sitting on the couch laughing when we walked in. i dropped her bags at the bottom of the stairs.

"hey what took you- what the fuck happened to your face?!"katie jumped up to examine taylors face she must have been angry she only swears when she is pissed which is rare. katie looked away for taylors face not waiting on an answer glaring at me.

"you just cant help yourself! you have to ruin things i cant believe i thought you had changed!" she shouted at me stepping round taylor walking towards me. "and to think i have just told all my friends i hate them for you"she spat out she was extremly close to me and i knew what she was going to do next.

"katie stop you dont understand"taylor tryed to explain

"no i understand perfectly. this cant keep its hands to itself! i cant believe i actually felt sorry for you"katie answered coldly. she lifted her hand. i tensed closing my eyes waiting for the slap i was about to recieve...but it never came. i slowly opened my eyes to see taylor holding katies hand away from my face whispering something in her ear. katies face no longer held the anger it did moments ago but it had hate,sadness,confusion and...regret?.

taylor let go of katies hand stepping away from her standing next to a very confused and shocked natalie and liam.

"you knew all stopped all that but you still let me shout at you and were going to let me hit you?"katie looked at me shocked

"well your right...i can never change i could have just pushed him and ran but i didnt i kept hitting him i could have killed him too"i answered truthfully

"but you didnt"katie objected

"but i wanted to!"i blurt out looking away ashamed

"yeah and so do i but you was you right?"

"yes it was me my 'bad side' had nothing to do with it i wish it had then maybe i wouldnt feel so guilty about it"

"hey your not the guilty one here he deserved that and a hell of alot more"katie trys to tell me but its still doesnt change anything.

"whatever...uh taylors going to be moving in with us by the way...if she still wants to?"i add the last part in a whisper natalie didnt question it she just nodded her head sitting back down.

" i still want to didnt do anything wrong besides you've got the fight tonight so i was staying for that anyway...and katies got a date coming"taylor smirks at katie

"who? do i know him? tell me so i can give the poor guy a warning first"i joke trying to lighten the mood

katie coughs "uh actually he is um a she"

"oh oh is this your little bisexual crush experiment?"i ask getting excited now

"yes but im not using her as an experiment im just going with it"katie tells me

"so do i finally get to know who it is?" i ask her hopefully

"heidi shay? our year?"katie tells me 'easy'

"you'll be in her bed by the end of the night screaming"i burst out laugh

"no i wont im not that easy and i want my first time to be speical unlike some who lost it at the back of the school with some random boy"i stop laughing instantly everyone turning their attention to me.

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