chapter 10

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"WAKE UP!"some one shouts in my ear causing me to jump up

"it wasnt me it was natalie!"i shout puttin my hands up feeling guilty

"i didnt do anything what the hell are you even talking about?"natalie asks katie and liam standing beside her trying not to laugh taylor was standing fully dressed smirking at me

"sorry uh force of habit"i tell her standing up

"well hurry up and get dressed you have a long night a head of you"taylor throws clothes at me


"yes but im training you today after school and its going to take until about 9 then you get 2 hours sleep"

"oh...right"i grab my clothes getting changed quickly in the bathroom "okay lets go"

*at school*

"you guys sure you want to walk in with me? iam the freak remember?"i ask them before we walk in

"yes your our friend we left you once we arent going to do it again and yes but your our freak so shh and lets do this"katie and taylor grab my hand liam grabs katies

"ok"i sigh as we walk into school everybody stops to look people were whispering and pointing then the cheerleaders come up to us.

"katie uh like what do you think you doing?"tiffany asks her

"im walkin through school holding hands with my friends"katie answers

"since when are you friends with the freak? and if you are you cant be our friend anymore"

"i was never your friend your all stuck up little bitches whos only talents are opening your legs and being complete whores who really hate there selfs oh and this is for calling my friend a freak"katie pulls her hand free slapping tiffany the sound echoing through the halls making everybody stop

"woohoo go katie!"liam laughs

"katie! what do you think your doing?"katies mum walks towards us katie grabs my hand quickly

"i was just sticking up for a friend and myself"katie tell her

"well all four of you my office now amber take tiffany to the nurse get an ice pack"mrs chambers walks away we follow her into the office "sit down"we sit

"now katie taylor this is the first time you have been in trouble so im giving you both detention...liam this is the tenth time iv seen you since school started so im going to suspend you for three days and sasha..."she hesatiates i burst out laughing

"im so-sorry im sorry its just- sometimes i laugh when im not supposed to please-continue"

"you have the worst record in school for violence but since you didnt hit anyone yet im going to suspend you for only thrre days also there has been posters and people talking about you fighting miles masters tonight is that true?"

"yes thats true but he set it up i dont even want to but i have to"

"do you really think this is the best idea after his brother?"

"his brother mine and katies bestfriend raped my sister and he knew about it the whole time so i think its a great idea"

"i-i um didnt um know any of uh that"

"that cause the only people that know are me you my sister katie taylor liam my mum and miles and after tonight everybody will know so id appreciate it if you kept this on the low til then"

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