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It was late at night when everything happened. She had been watching her step brother and her two step sisters. She was in her room when she heard glass break.

She shot up and ran down the stairs to see what happened. When she got there she say the very expensive and large and heavy mirrors on the floor and her 12 year old step brother covered in blood and her 7 and 9 year old step sister standing there standing, staring.

"What happened." She yelled as she sped walk to the younger boy. They all got startled and just stared at her." Tell me what happened." She grabbed the boy the arm and brung him to the bathroom. But she tuned around and it looked as if he was going to faint.

"Alexis get my phone and call 911." She yelled as she caught her falling stepbrother. "Where is it." She yelled back. "I left on the kitchen counter hurry please." She yelled while looking at her stepbrother. "Josh please don't close your eye. Come one the ambulance is coming." She tapped his cheek a little bit. "Alexis, did you call." She yelled." Yes I did."

They waited for about five minute before the ambulance came. The three girls went into the ambulance with their brother and the older sibling was crying. "Do you have a cell phone to call an parent or guardian." One of the paramedics said. "Yeah, Alexis give me my phone." She said.

Aubrey the eldest child called her father and his wife. Her step mother wasn't happy and all she heard was she's getting out of my house before her father hung up.

They had made it to the hospital a few minutes later and they rushed josh into the back but would let the three girls through. After about 10 minutes of wait her father and step mother rushed into the hospital.

"What did you do to my baby boy." The lady that Aubrey grew to hate over the past 5 years. "I didn't know I ran upstairs to get something and the mirror fell and I ran down and he was covered in blood." Aubrey said standing up only to be pushed down." Stop lying you probably did this to him." The bitch yelled into her face.

"I didn't do anything I swear you can even ask Jennifer and Alexis. I was upstairs when it happened." She yelled back standing up, pushing the lady back. "Yeah that explains all the blood on your clothes." She stumbled back." For your information, I was holding your son making sure he didn't bleed out. If anything I saved his life." She said.

"I want her out my house." She turned towards her husband. "What, what do you mean?" The man asked. "She's a danger to my children. She can't be around us or them anymore." Joana the step mother said pointing at Aubrey. Knowing her father no matter what he will always side with his wife even though he knows she's lying.

"Sorry Aubrey, but she right you're just a danger." He said putting his head down. "Dad no please you can't do this, it's 12:00am on a school night. I have no where to go. Mom loves in another town and Veronica live on the other side of Chicago." She said with tears.

"I don't care." Her father shouted. "Please just leave go home now and pack." He said walking away once the doctor called Josh's name. "Fine, I fucking hate, I hate you both." Aubrey yelled running out the hospital.

She knew the house was a good 10 minute walk so it was no problem. So that's what she did was walk in the cold. Once she got to her house she went into her room and packed some of her favorite things. She didn't have a suit case but she did have a nike duffle bag.

She put some clothes that she favored into the bag, as well as some under garments, and some toiletries as well. She got her shoe box full of savings and put it into something smaller before putting it at the bottom of the bag. She saved about $800 since they don't buy her anything anymore. She got her laptop, the charger, her phone and its charger into her bag as well as headphone.

She grabbed an outfit and some under garments and a a towel to wash all the blood of her.

Once she got out the bathroom she walked to her room and put the rest of her stuff on

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Once she got out the bathroom she walked to her room and put the rest of her stuff on. She thought that since she's only 13 she couldn't get a real job so she'll steal money from her father and step mother. She put a pair of sneakers in her, a pair of uggs, and ugg slippers.

She got her bag and ran to her fathers room. She went into the closet where the safe is placed and put in the code. Jackasses , the codes my damn birthday. She thought. She grabbed a good $2,000 from the safe and stuffed it into the bag. She got up and saw a few pieces of jewelry, earring, watches, necklaces, bracelets, so she took all of it and put that into her overly stuffed bag as well.

A way she decided to let all her frustration out was destroy the whole house except hers and the kids room. She grabbed the metal bat that Joana kept next to her bed and smashed everything in the room. The tv,the lamps, everything she could.

She got spray pair from her room and wrote on the walls. Take that bitches. She went back to the parents room and messed up the bed spray painting it as well. Then she went in the hallway smashed everything there. Then she went down stairs and messed up everything there as well.

Once she was done she was out of breath and glass was everywhere. Before she walked out she looked back at her handy work, smiled, and walked out.


The way she got to her sisters house was take the bus to the L train. She sat all the way in the back each time not wanting to deal with any of the late night workers. By the time she had gotten to her older sister Veronica's house it was 2:15am.

She knocked on the door and waited. So she knocked again. "Who the fuck is at this door at this time." She heard a women yell. She saw her older swing open the door, while typing her robe. "Wh-, Bri what are you doing? Where you're father?" She asked looking out the door. "He-he." Aubrey stuttered before busting out in tears.

"Aw Bri come one." Veronica pulled her into house and pulling her into hug after closing the door. "Get settled, while I get dressed and get Kevin." She said. "Okay." Aubrey said putting her stuff down on the couch and taking her jacket and Scarf and sat down on the couch.

At this moment she knew her life would change.


All rights go to the actual creators of the show. All characters and scrip belong to the creator except the one I'm placing in the story. The only one that belongs to me is Aubrey fisher. So all right reserved to the original creators.

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