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Chapter two

Aubrey's pov

A little while later Tony had bought a passed out Frank and dropped him on Ian's bed. I went back down stairs because he smelt so bad that I almost threw up. So carl and Sheila is giving him a bath, his 5th one at that.

I heard them struggling to put him back in bed so I go to help them out. Me and carl grab each of his legs and Sheila grabs him by his arms and we carry him back to Ian's bed. "How do you Fiona's going react?" I asked turning my head to look at him. All he does he shrug his shoulders and walk out, I look at Frank once more and walked out the room


"Fuck,no." I heard Fiona say when I walked out the bathroom. "Tony brought him back. He's been sleeping this whole time." Carl said he turned to me.

I'm not getting involved not my house not my problem, so all I did was make a face ." I tried to wake him, he's out cold." He said turning back to Fiona. "Believe me, he's not sleeping." She looked at Frank and noticed the scabs on his arms. "Now this? Needles." She said. "Any thing could happen with Frank." I said under my breath. "He's really sick." Can't he just give up.

"Oh, he's sick, alright." Fiona said. "I don't think he can make it down stairs." He says. "He won't be any trouble." All Fiona says is no though. " I don't get a vote?" Carl ask. "No, not really." She says walking out and once she's in the hallway she says. "I'm going to call Kev, and he's going to help me find a park bench somewhere far, far away to dump him." She says.

"He's dying." Carl yells walking out the room as well." No he's killing him self." She took a pause for a minute before say." There's a difference"

"I can take care of him." Carl says trying to reason with his older sister." No." She says." Yes." He yells." No." She said with a serious tone." Yes!" He yelled loudly causing me to look at him like he was crazy. "Fine. But you brought him home. He's your puppy. He makes a mess on the rug, you're cleaning it." She says looking at him and walked away.

"Thank you, son." We hear Frank whisper from the hallway. "Anyway, I got to go home, got school tomorrow, and I have to run an errand so I can't walk you." I said to carl. "What do you got to do that you can't walk me?" He asked. "You don't need to know." I said patting his cheek and walked away.


The next morning I got up at 6:30 to go meet g-dogg to get the pound of weed I have to split up and sell for him

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The next morning I got up at 6:30 to go meet g-dogg to get the pound of weed I have to split up and sell for him. Yes I sell weed. That's how I get my money, no one knows that's how I got my money before I stopped for about a year and started again. He lets me get half the money depending on how much I sell. I sell a gram for about $10-12 depends on how good it is. G-dog tells me how much to sell a gram for each time he give me some. And like I said it depends on everything, how good it is, how much they want, how much I sell, how much I loose.

Since I took a shower last night and washed my hair and straightened it, I got dressed quickly before Kev and V woke up. I picked out a pair of white jeans, a light creamed long sleeve sweater, and wheat/tan timberlands, and I threw on a white hat to put it all together.

I got my bag, my phone, and earbuds before running out the door. I walked to the train and got on and went to out meet up. I got there in a good 10 minutes later and ran down the stairs and went to the meet up and to his truck. "You're two minutes late." He said. "Shut up, at least I'm here." I said back putting my stuff on the floor. He doesn't usually let his workers talk to him like that but I knew since I was younger when my dad kicked me out on the streets for like a week and he found me and that's when I started to work for him. "Better watch who you're talking to." He said. "Yeah yeah, whatevs." I waved my hand at him.

"Now what do you need?" I asked looking at him." The usual, usual costumers. But they want more so I'm giving you more than usual." He said handing me my regular one lb bag, and I'm guessing a half  lb bag. "Thanks." I mumbled pulls out my 'lunch box' and putting it in there. "You still got the little zip lock bags and you're scale, since you broke the other ones?" He asked since I always run out those tiny zip locks and brake the scales to weigh." Yeah I checked last night." "Can you at least drive me around the corner from my school, you kept me longer than expected." I said. "Yeah, I guess." He tapped the drivers shoulder telling him to drive to the usual drop off.


Before he dropped me off he gave the same conversation as always.
"I want my money by next money when we meet up again, you've been lacking." He said." I know I just had a lot in my plate at home." I said." Try and sell all of it or you won't get half of your pay." He said. "I know the rules, you're so annoying." I groaned and got out the car. "Better watch who you're talking to Aubrey." He said before I closed the door.

Once I got to school I was like 10 minutes late. Since Ian ran away, Lip is at collage and Debbie and carl are still in middle school I think I'm kinda alone, but I have other friend who have babies and I don't. And I'm in 9th grade even though I'm 15 I got left back in 5th grade. "Ms. Fisher, why are you late?" The teacher ask but I didn't even answer her." Why are you always late on Mondays?" She asked another question. 

"Well maybe I don't want to come to this shit hole after a good ass weekend of partying." I said sitting in my seat." Whatever Ms.Fisher, don't be late to my class again." All I did was roll my eyes and wonder how many weeks she's going to keep saying that.

After that class I had to go to computer lab, which I had with the most annoyingest (not a word) boy in the world. He's also a client, but he's also likes me. Speaking of the devil.

"Hey, Aubrey." He ran next to me. "What do you want Aiden?" I said and kept walking. "Well I see you and Chris broke up." "Yeah no duh." I rolled my eyes and stopped walking to look at him. "And what the fuck is the point." "Well I wa-." Before he could finish that sentence the other devil comes up and punches him.

"What the fuck,Chris?" I yell when everybody looks at us. "I could tell he was bothering you." He said. "Well I'm not your fucking problem anymore." I glared at him as the fucking principle called all three of us to the office." Well what was that about?" He asked eye balling all three of us. "Well I didn't do anything, but you know Aiden was bothering me as always and Chris got all possessive and punched him and I'm not even dating him anymore." I yelled.

"Well one, lower your voice." He pointed his finger at me. "You two have detention, and you young lady if you yell at me again so will you." He looked at all three of us and let us go. Once we walked out I tried to run but Chris caught me. "What?" "Can you please forgive me, you know I love you, that's why I did it." He said trying to grab my hands." Yeah, if you loved me, you would've talked to me about it instead of chocking me." I hissed pulling my hands away. "You're right." He said sadly putting his head down.

"Yeah I know I'm right." I said and walked away.

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