Chapter 6

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Levi's POV

"I-I'll be too clean, you might not like it." (Y/N) said. "That's it?" I asked. "Uhm... I like houses spotless, what if you don't like them spotless? Hm?" She asked. She doesn't know anything about me... tch. "Then your house must be spotless, hm?" I asked her. She looked at the floor. "As spotless as I can get it..." She whispered. I got up and helped her up, "We should get you to a hospital, instead of sitting in the cold back room of a supermarket." I said, she nodded.

~Le time skip at the Hospital~

The nurse came back out, Hanji and I ran up to the desk. "Can we see her?" I asked. She looked at us. "If you are related to her in some way, that is." She said. I was thinking quick, "I'm Levi her boyfriend, and this is Hanji her sister." I said quickly. Hanji shot me a look. "Ohohoho~ Levi!" She said while we were walking to (Y/N)'s room.

"Shut up." I said. "Why didn't you say You were her brother? Why boyfriend?" Hanji said, looking at me. "I-I-I... shut up." I said. Hanji was laughing. We knocked on her door, "Come in~!" That's not (Y/N)'s voice... We opened the door, and saw her mom. "Oh, Levi! So nice to see you again dear!" She said. "Hello Mrs.
(L/N)." I said, she got up and walked over to us, "Who's this, Levi? Is she your girlfriend? That's wonderful!" She said.

Hanji's face drained color. "Uh, I'm Hanji, Levi's best friend." She said. "Oh! Levi, I was hoping I would see you around! (Y/N) bought you a present when you were little but we couldn't find you!" She said, holding out the box. "Thanks, I'll open it when she wakes up..." I said. (Y/N) was sleeping...not peacefully...but she was getting rest.

"Why doesn't (Y/N) live with you?" Hanji asked. "I live out in the country...she never liked the country much..." She trailed off. "What should I call you?" Hanji asked. "Oh! Claire would be fine, or Mrs. (L/N)." She said.
"Ok, Mrs. (L/N), how long have Levi and (Y/N) known eachother?" Hanji asked. "Oh my! That would have to be... about... 20 years, at most." She said. "You guys met when you were four?" Hanji asked, "Who's older?" I sighed. "We're the same age, born on the same day, same month, same year." I said. "M-mom...?" (Y/N) asked, Mrs. (L/N) walked over.

"Look dear, Levi and Hanji are here!" She said, we walked over, and (Y/N) pulled me into a hug. "Thank you." She whispered. I hugged back. "You're welcome." I said, she pulled away. "Oh! Did you open it yet?" She asked. "No... I didn't yet, I was waiting for you to wake up." I said. "What're you waiting for garden gnome? Open it!" Hanji said. I opened the gift, tears started forming in my eyes.

A bird printed teacup. The one my mom owned...

I stared at (Y/N), her (E/C) eyes sparkling with happiness

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I stared at (Y/N), her (E/C) eyes sparkling with happiness. I pulled her into a hug, she was giggling and hugging back.

"You're welcome."

The Janitor (Levi x Reader modern)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum