Chapter 2- Party

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*Mindy's POV*

Matthew took me to Town Square, where the brunch will be held. The brunch is actually held outdoors, right next to this beautiful tree. Town Square is such a great place to have the whole community join in and just have a social brunch. The town mayor is always there to welcome the people.

"Good morning, Ms. Parker. The decorations look fabulouis! You and your sisters did a 1derful job!" the mayor thanked. "Oh, sir, it was our pleasure! We had an amazayn time!" I replied. (*A/N: See what I did there?)

"I'm glad your parents are the head of the town committee. They are so hardworking! I don't know what I would do without them!" the mayor stated. "Well, we are here for you, anytime!" I said while smiling.

It was around the time the brunch was supposed to start. People started to fill in the chairs and tables slowly. I saw familiar and unfamiliar faces as I greeted them.

Then the two of the loudest girls in the town came. Their names are Kendall and Stacey. I love them to death! We've known each other since we were toddlers. Like, there are pictures of the three of us in diapers. We were best of friends ever since!

"Hey Mindz!" Kendall yelled. "Ohhhh MIIINDDDYYYYY...WHERE ART THOU MINDY?" Stacey yelled even louder. Did I mention that they are loud? Because they are obnoxiously loud, even in public.

"Can you yell my name any louder?" I whispered sarcastically.

"Actually, we can. MIN---" the two girls said in unison.

"Shush! I didn't mean it literally, crazies!" I said while laughing.

*Harry's POV*

The boys and I played our Pokemon battle games for about an hour. We were such dorks. But it was a Sunday. We didn't really have anything to do till later.

Liam is the mature one out of all of us. His hair is so undecisive. One day, it'll be curly, another day wavy, one day straight, another day curly, and it goes on. His hair is just a hot mess. Niall is the only blonde in the group. He loves food. All he ever talks about is food. foodfoodfood. And when he's not thinking about food, he's probably laughing. Louis is the oldest out of all of us, but yet he's the most immature. He does the craziest things ever. But I guess that's what makes things interesting. Zayn is a bit quiet. But not all the time. Sometimes, he'll just randomly shout out, "Vas Happenin?" And then there's me, curly Harry. Louis likes to say that I'm the charmer out of the group. I have to admit, when I see a cute girl, I have to flirt. But c'mon, what else do you expect from a teenage boy.  

Overrall, we are pretty good, decent lads.

"Lou, you ran out of tacos." Niall said. "Well, unless you want to go out and buy some, go find something else. " Louis replied. Then Niall laughed. That boy....

"So, what are you guys wearing to the party tonight?" Zayn asked while looking in the mirror. "I know what I'm wearing!" Louis exclaimed. It's true. Louis is usually one of the first ones to be finished getting ready because all he ever wears is stripes. 94%% of his closet is stripes. And the 7% are colored pants. "I'm just going to wear my blue polo." Niall said while stuffing his mouth with food. "I think I'll just wear my plaid shirt." Liam said nonchalantly. "I guess I'll just wear my varsity jacket." Zayn said cool-ly. "Oooh, I'm Zayn. And I'm a Bradford Bad Boi, yo!" Louis yelled. "Dude, stop. I don't even say that anymore!" Zayn replied. "I might just wear my blazar." Harry said.

We pretty much wore the same things. We saw that those outfits fit us best.

*Mindy's POV*

It was about time for the brunch to start. My father walked up to the low stage platform.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! And welcome to our annual committee brunch! I am glad to see many familiar faces around. And to the new faces, welcome!" His speech was followed by an appluad from the crowd and he continued to talk. I zoned out because I've heard this many times before. He practiced his speech in the morning, afternoon, and night.

"So, Mindy, are you going to Tony's party tonight?" Kendall asked. "Yeah, I heard about that! Matt is taking me to the party, if you guys need a ride, just come over. I'm sure Matt won't mind." I said.

"Yeah, sure! I can't wait to go to this party! Harry will be there!" Stacey screeched.

Stacey had the hugest crush on Harry. It was quite adorable. I do agree with her, his curls and dimples are so cute! Who wouldn't be attracted to that?

"This is going to be so fun!" Kendall jumped with joy.

*Harry's POV*

-At Tony's Party-

We were a bit late to the party. Niall was running around the house screaming, "Ahh! The leprachauns are coming, the leprachauns are coming!" Niall was just running around laughing and disobeying Liam's orders to get ready. And Zayn also took a while because he didn't know what to do with his hair. And it didn't help that Louis drove so slow.

When we got to the party, everyone was already there. The music was really loud and everyone was either dancing or just consuming alcohol. The boys and I dispersed and just went to diffrent places.

I looked around the place to see if Mindy was here yet. I didn't see her, so I decided to just walk around and see who else was here.

I was on my way to the backyard when a blonde girl came up to me. "Harry?"

The girl looked familiar. She probably went to my school. I think her name was like Sarah or Sam. I'm not really sure. I was never really good at names. "Uhmm...hi?" I said nonchalantly.

"Harry! It's Stacey from Chemistry!" she explained. Oh, no wonder she looked familiar. She was "Hot Stacey" as the other guys called her. 

"Hey, do you want to dance?" Stacey asked. "Sure. Let's go." I replied while she led me to the dancefloor. Some really fast paced songs came on. And we were just dancin' it up! She was quite a good dancer. Better than I thought. We danced for about another five minutes till we heard some loud noises.

*Mindy's POV*

"Matt! Stop! You're drunk! You need to get home! " I yelled while trying to push him out of the house. People were starting to stare. "Uh, no. I'm not. I can dance perfectly fine. " Matt said drunkenly.That did not make any sense. "Matt, we're going home. Give me your keys, I'll drive." I said.

"No! No! No!" Matt yelled. "Matt!" I yelled back. He began to walk away from me. "Matt! Come back here, right now!" I exclaimed. Now people were looking for sure.

I grabbed his arm, and pulled him out of othe door. Then all of a sudden, he twisted my arm and pushed me up against the wall. "Oww! Oww!" I cried. That really hurt! I was in so much pain. Only a couple of people saw that incident.

*Harry's POV*

I could see that Matt was pretty drunk. Mindy was trying to get him to go home. But I guess he just doesn't want to. Then I saw what he did to her. He hurt her.

I was about to do something but I was pulled back by Louis. Then I saw Mindy coming back into the house with tears in her eyes. She went over to Stacey and asked her to call her mom so she can pick them up from the party.

Things started to get awkward. Less people were dancing and people were even starting to leave the party. Thirty minutes later, Stacey's mom came and picked up Mindy, Stacey, and Kendall up. Stacey told me a quick good bye. I waved back.

Man, this will be the talk of the school tomorrow, for sure. Tomorrow will be fun.

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