“Carly, wait!” he yelled as I ran. I ignored him and kept running. Even though as we were a few good meters apart, the next thing I knew he jumped at me, I fell face down on the wet pavement, he turned me over onto my back. I do not like people on top of me. I once bit a guy in year two because he sat on me. I closed my eyes and screamed at the same time he pinned down my arms.

“Get the hell off of-Lucas?!” I could not believe that it was him.

He could not seem to grasp the fact it was me, either. “What are you doing down this way, it’s off limits to the public! And why are you out in the first place, I didn’t come over.” If he had not just dragged me down and scared me half to death, I would have been offended. “Just because you didn’t come over, doesn’t mean I couldn’t go out. You don’t own me. And it’s a free country. Besides, if this” I gestured around me “is restricted, how come you’re here?”

He almost looked flustered. Almost. “I’m looking for, erm, supplements. And it hasn’t been a ‘free’ country since the 1800’s.”

“And you know this, how exactly?”

He blinked, momentarily confused, than composed himself. “I – uh – have my ways.”

I sighed. “Whatever. Hang on, what you mean by ‘supplements’”?

Lucas looked disappointed. “Supplements. Food. What exactly is it that they teach you nowadays?”

Ignoring his criticism, I said “There you go again with that posh speaking of yours! What I did I say about that!?” Yep, that’s my oh-so-subtle way of changing the subject.

He looked at me, and I tried to avoid his gaze. Which is kind of hard to do when he’s pinning my down. “You know, I really don’t think you are in any position to be yelling at me right now…" I attempted to get up, but failed miserably, with a bump on the back of my head.

“God, why are so damn strong? What do you like do drugs or something? Because if you do, I don’t want any, but I don’t really care if you do as long as you don’t come anywhere near me when your high, or pumped, or whatever.”

Great, I was babbling. I do that when I get nervous.

I rubbed the back of my head, only to find that it made it worse.

Lucas released me and offered to help me up. I ignored his outstretched hand and got up on my own, and then started walking in the direction of what I think was home. He followed.

“Next time, don’t go out unless I’m there.” He spoke wearily as if he’d been through this before. “And why would I do that?” I asked innocently. His reply almost scared me as much as him chasing me down. Almost. “Because if I hadn’t realised it was you, I might’ve…” he trailed off as he turned around and faced the alleyway.

“You know what, let’s change the subject. Let’s talk about…oh hey, I know. If you came out tonight, I might as well ask. Did you break anything?

Huh. I’m not letting him get away that easily.

“Not really. Graffitied a bit, but that’s it. By the way, before I forget two things. One: why do you get food from a dead-end alleyway? And two: were you going to bite me?!” If it wasn’t so dark, I could’ve sworn I saw him go red. “Mmabye. I said I don’t want to talk about it.”

I stopped walking as I realised just how much those two questions fitted together. I stared at him, and without realising, started to think aloud.

“But that means – no, that’s not – how can? – not possible…”

Deciphering my thoughts, I stopped and focused on the ground. One half of me was contemplating whether or not I should make a run for it, because either a) he was actually what I thought he was, and was extremely dangerous, or b) he was nuts, and extremely dangerous – either way, it was probably safer elsewhere. The other half of me was intrigued by his seeming insanity, and wanted to stick around.

“If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, then, no. You cannot outrun me.”

I raised an eyebrow, how did he know what I was thinking?

I stared him down for a moment, before giving a careless shrug – and running anyway. I bolted for the end of the street with all my might, but only got a few paces before I was pinned down on my back, and was giggling my heart out.

“I can’t be sure,” I laughed, “But one of us is definitely crazy!”

Luca peered down at me, skeptically. “So,” he asked slowly, “you’re okay with that?”

“Meh, ask me again tomorrow. Am glad I tried, though. Now,” I replied, hesitantly, “You mind getting off me? You’re kinda heavy.”

Still unsure of my frame of mind, Lucas shifted his weight uneasily. To speed up the process, I continued.

“I know what a stake is, Lucas Grey. And I’m sure I could use one in such a situation as this. I might…” I trailed off, searching for a response in Lucas’ face. “Stake you.”

He stared down blankly at me for a moment before smiling an ear-to-ear grin, revealing his abnormally long canines – which I kicked myself for having not noticed earlier.

“Medium rare, if you please."

I glared at him. “You know what I mean.”

Lucas sighed, defeated – figuratively, not literally. “Yes. Yes, I do. All too well.” With another sigh he stood up and offered me his hand. “I’ll escort you home, then.”

I nodded silently, mentally kicking myself again for making the situation even more awkward.

Upon reaching my bedroom window for the umpteenth time that week, I was hoisted up onto the windowsill, which again wasn’t unusual as of late. When I turned to shut the window, I noticed that Lucas was still standing there.

“Huh.” I mused. “Y’know, usually by this point, you’ve long since vanished.”

“I know,” he said, uneasily. “I just – just wanted to, uh, see if you were truly at agreement with this…situation.”

“Oh my god!” I feigned horror. “A sensitive vampire!? Fathers’ lock up your daughters,’ and daughters’ lock up your mothers,’ coz he’ll steal your heart then suck your blood!” I grinned widely. “Nah, I’m good. I’m still quite skeptic about it, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Lucas shared my grin. “Very well, then. Goodnight, Carly.” I smiled again, unwillingly. “Yeah, see ya.”

And in a flash – or in this case a blink of the eye – he was gone. I shut my window and drew the curtains before sliding to the floor. How had he not seen me shaking?

I stuck to my first thought regarding the subject; one of us was crazy, and at this point, I was hoping it was me.

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