three. Encounters

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Glaring at the guy pressed to the wall before me, I let go to free him from my iron grip. He wasted no time in scurrying away from me. I spun around to see a young man gazing down at me. His frame was tall and lanky, almost like a cheetah. A dark, messy mop of curls was splayed across his head, pushed back from his forehead. Considering the thickness of his hair, it was surprising to discover he lacked any on his face. I was unable to detect the colour of his eyes due to the lighting, but they appeared almost animalistic with their wide-set pupils framed with dark lashes. He had a piercing on his bottom lip and eyebrow, and colourful tattoo sleeves were decorating both his arms.

He watched me intently. "Can I help you, love?"

I lifted my head high, showing him I was not daunted by his height. I wasn't scared of him anyway. I was going to kill him in less than a month. He should fear me.

"I want to join your gang," I responded confidently. 

He observed me for a few beats before letting out a mocking boom of laughter, denting my ego more than I would have liked. Although I didn't allow myself to show it – I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

"Aw you're cute," he cooed condescendingly, proceeding to turn abruptly and walk away. The crowd of people seemed to part for him; he was either respected or feared. From his sheer rudeness and formidably powerful aura, I was going to go with the latter.

"Hey! Get your ass back here!" I called, but he had already gone. I searched frantically for him, and just as I was about to admit defeat, I caught sight of him jogging upstairs. Ignoring the rude remarks and death glares I was having sent my way, I shoved roughly through the sea of people. Whilst hurriedly ascending the stairs, a boy passing me tripped up and spilled the drink from his red cup onto my chest. He had raven hair and brown skin adorned with tattoos. They crawled up his left arm, up his shoulder and onto his neck, ceasing just underneath his defined jawline. His dark eyes widened when he realised what he had done.

"Shit, sorry!" he exclaimed, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Jackass," I hissed, deliberately bashing his shoulder as I barged passed him. 

Stood upon the landing, I was hesitant to open the bedroom doors from dread of what was on the other side. I found one door that was open and so decided to check in there. Stepping in, I discovered it was empty. I inspected the room for any useful information on Harry since it was his home. How the hell could he afford such a big house? Probably the money from all the crimes he'd committed.

As I was checking underneath the bed, I heard the door close. Spinning around, I found a drunk guy stumbling in. A lazy, lopsided smirk was apparent on his flushed face.

"Well, hey there," he greeted. He lumbered forward, but I didn't cower or show intimidation – mainly because I wasn't scared. I could take him down in a heartbeat if I wanted. I even had a gun hidden in the back of my jeans.

"I'd stay back if I were you," I warned.

"Or what?" he challenged, moving even closer. 

I swiftly lifted my leg, kicking him harshly in the side of the head. Consequently, he fell to the floor from the impact. Due to the adrenaline coursing through my body, I failed to notice that the door had opened.

"Wow, your legs are deadly. Like a deer or something. Might call you Bambi from now on," Harry grinned.

I answered him with an unamused poker face. 

"Yeah, not bad for a girl," he taunted, eyes flicking to the groaning body at my feet.

"What does me being a girl have to do with anything? Besides, I could've done a lot worse. Trust me, he got off lucky."

"What else can you do?" he asked inquisitively, leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. I briefly considered presenting him with my gun, but realised he could use it against me. I decided to go down a different route.

"Let me join your gang and I'll show you." 

His laughter rung out in the room, but this time it was devoid of the mocking layer it previously held. It seemed more amused than anything. "You're a persistent little thing, aren't you?" he smiled, meeting my gaze. I could now determine the colour of his eyes. They appeared to be a forest green, his irises wide and dilated.

"Yeah. That's why I always get what I want sooner or later." 

He quirked a brow. "Who says I'm in a gang?"

"I've heard around," I shrugged.

"Mm...quite a bland explanation. How do I know you're not a cop?" he enquired suspiciously.

"How many twenty year old cops do you know of? And you really think I'd be bothering with all this shit when I could just arrest your ass right now? Let me join your gang."

He sighed and straightened his posture. "You can't just ask to join and that's it. You might be cute, and your looks could come as an advantage to us but there are standards to be met. Why d'ya want to join my gang anyway, Bambi?"

"The name's Hunter. And I can tell merely from your house that you earn a shit-ton of cash. I need money. Simple as."

He nodded slowly. "You know how to handle a gun?"

Without removing my gaze from him, I pulled my pistol from my jeans and spun it in my hand. He seemed taken aback by the deathly piece of metal in my possession, but composed himself and regained his cavalier smirk.

"They're illegal in this country, little Missy," he scolded jokingly.

"So is running a drug cartel." I quipped, tucking it back into its original position.

He chuckled. "You know what, Bambi? You've impressed me. Come back here tomorrow and I'll see what you're made of. But bear in mind we're not gonna be any easier on you just because you're a girl".

"I wouldn't want you to. I don't want any special treatment."

"Good. See you tomorrow, Bambi."

"The name's Hunter," I gritted as he disappeared back into the swarm of intoxicated bodies. The boy at my feet began to squirm. I took that as my cue to follow Harry, but not before kicking the guy in the stomach a final time.

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