twenty. Betrayal

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"What the fuck do you mean he's gone?" I hissed, pacing the room. My breathing was harsh and uneven as I struggled to conceal the underlying hysteria colouring my voice.

"I'm sorry. I was just clearing my head for a bit and – I don't even know what happened! He was just...not there!" he paused, "Where are you?"

"Liam's. I'm staying with Liam." 

He didn't respond for a while, the only evidence of his presence being his heavy breaths. "I thought Liam had mates round?" he questioned, voice rising an octave.

"Yeah, he does. But does that really matter right now? For all we know, Jonah could be out to kill me as we speak!" I wasn't scared of much, but I had experienced first-hand exactly what Jonah was capable of. It made my stomach churn when I reminisced on a time where we used to be friends.

"He's not gonna get you, Bambi. He doesn't even know where you are. He can't get to you," Harry's attempts at assuring me were hopeless. He was trying to blow up a balloon punctured with holes.

"How do we know that? He found out where I was living before!" I paused. "Harry..."

"Yeah? Bambi, what is it?" he prompted.

"I think there's someone out to get us. Someone we know."

"What?" he scoffed, "What are you talking about? Is there something you're not telling me?"

"No!" Yes. "I just – something's going on, Harry. How did Jonah find out your address? It has to have been someone close to you, right? Someone that knows where you live."

"You're overthinking this, Bambi. You're being paranoid."

I knew I wasn't being paranoid, but there was no way I could prove that to Harry without coming clean about my job. Something was going on and I knew it. This wasn't just the works of Boss. He was an incredibly smart man, but even he had his limitations on what he could and couldn't find out on his own. There had to be someone else in the picture, lurking in the fringe of all the commotion. An insider.

"Right, Bambi, listen to me," Harry ordered, "You're gonna keep your phone turned on and the moment you see or hear something – anything – out of the ordinary, you ring me, okay? Don't hesitate. I'm gonna hang up now and meet with the boys to see if we can find Jonah. Stay safe, babe." The line went dead.

Immediately, I flung my phone onto the bed and reached into my pocket to pull a cigarette from the packet and my lighter. The tip glowed, smoke curling from the stick. It failed to ease my anxiety entirely, but helped nonetheless. I turned towards the door and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw a tall, broad boy stood in the doorway, blocking my exit. I instantly recognised him, but only vaguely.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," he smiled sheepishly, scratching his head.

"You didn't," I deadpanned, taking a drag from the stick.

He stuttered momentarily, making it clear that he was nervous about what he was about to say. "Who's, um, who's Jonas?"

I blew a puff of smoke from my lips before speaking. "It's Jonah. And none of your business."

"Jonah..." he repeated to himself, "Why does that name sound familiar?"

I shrugged as a response, cig balanced between my lips. "Beats me."

"Wait," he paused, stepping further into the room, "Does he have like dark blond hair and grey-ish eyes?"

My heartbeat quickened but I kept a neutral expression, casually retracting the stick from my mouth. "That doesn't exactly narrow it down, Luke."

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