"I thought you were afraid of the ocean," Jotaro bends down to pick up a sea shell. "Or are you braving it for me?"

"I don't know," Kakyoin kicks a piece of driftwood back to the ocean, the waves gobbled it down. "I just needed this."

Jotaro wanted to pry, but from the sad look on Kakyoin's face, he figured that it would be unwise to do so. They head back after an hour. It was time to go.

It was like that time when Jotaro was going to leave for University for the first time, all those years ago. The same unnerving feeling, the same worrying thoughts, the same nail-biting anxiousness of what would happen without him, the same sadness, the same feeling. Jotaro had just checked in his luggage and he was ready to head inside the terminal. Kakyoin yanks his hair noodle, impatient as Holly spoke to her son, saying her goodbyes as well. Kakyoin wrings his hands, what should he say? What should he do? Should he give him a hug, or tell him to come again or tell him that he would see him around or... or...

"Kakyoin." Jotaro's voice cuts through his thoughts like a knife through warm butter. Kakyoin jumps. "Are you really ok there? You look pale." Jotaro reaches out for Kakyoin's face, but his hand drops back to his side as he was just about to touch Kakyoin's cheek. Kakyoin feels fire in his face and sick to his stomach.

"I will miss you," Kakyoin sputters. "Be safe. Don't forget to call your mother from time to time. Me as well. Keep in touch. Please." Kakyoin was going to cry. He could feel the warm tears pooling and he looked down to hide his face. Jotaro bends down, looks up at Kakyoin's face, and gives the most reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I will call." Jotaro places a hand on Kakyoin's shoulder, making the red head look at him. The tears ruining the foundation, revealing scars. "I had a great time back home, thanks to you. I will definitely visit next year. I promise you. I will do my best to come back as soon as I can."

Kakyoin watches Jotaro's eyes wink in the light, his small smile lingering, beautiful as ever.

This was something he wished he could paint, but can't.

The flutter of Jotaro's lashes brings Kakyoin back down to earth, and he pulls Jotaro in for a short hug, and wipes his eyes, the foundation one huge smear across his face. "I guess it's time to go. Don't be late. Take good care."

Jotaro nods, tugs his hat, same ole' habit, and walks past the gates. Kakyoin waves, and Jotaro waves back at him and his mother. The crowd swallows the boy, and Kakyoin sobs. Holly, shocked, quickly jumps over to console him as best as she could, patting his back and whispering kind words that, unfortunately, didn't make it past Kakyoin's ears.

"I'm by the sea. By the sea. I'm by the sea. By the se-" Kakyoin slams the mute button on the car radio. The song was getting annoying. It had been 4 years since that Christmas, and at the moment, Kakyoin was 26 years old, and had graduated from university. Now, he sold his artworks to support himself, but worked part time at a flower shop to ensure that he had other means to survive if he found no interested commissioners or buyers. Jotaro had kept his promise, and had visited the year after that Christmas. But only for 3 days. It was far too short to Kakyoin's liking, but a visit was a visit and the promise was kept. But another 3 years zipped by without the blue-eyed man visiting. He had stopped calling too, only the occasional email once a week or maybe even not even a single one after a month or so.

It was tough.

To help cope with all those terrible emotions, he painted and painted when he felt like he was going to have a panic attack and pass out. And so, most of his free time was devoted to painting more and more and more of his 'blue-eyed men'.

The fear of the oceanWhere stories live. Discover now