Chapter 2: The Thirteen

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Author's note: So, as I said in the previous chapter, from now on the text in bold is the human language. Anyways, enjoy meeting the Primes~ ^^

Alpha Trion wondered how on Cybertron this could happened. This orbital cycle started out normally, with some work alongside Prima and Vector Prime on the government establishments for future Cybertronian civilizations. Some time later, he went for a short walk, just to clear his processor, and soon, Solus joined him, starting a conversation about a tool Trion asked her to build, Megatron following after her, as always.

Suddenly they all stumbled upon this strange, cube-like item. Solus was, naturally, the first to investigate, being her curious self, and that's when that... creature fell out of that box. The being let out an odd sound trying to get back up, but when it spotted the three Cybertronians, it became silent as it's strange optics widened.

Truth be told, Alpha Trion have never seen a creature like this one before. It was very small, lean, with a structure very similar to this of a Cybertronian, but with visible differences. For one, it was an organic. Its posture indicated it was probably a femme, or a femling. Alpha Trion wasn't sure wether it was an adult or not. It didn't seem to have any metal piece on it's body. It's protoform, or whatever that was, was a light shade of pink, and the only thing that seemed to cover it were two pieces of strange armor. It had unique optics, not seen in any Cybertronian so far. But then again, it wasn't a Cybertronian, especially with those weird, extremely thin things that resembled slightly the wires on Solus' helm.

You, on the other hand, started to be aware of intense stares the trio was giving you, and shifted uncomfortably. This is sooo awkward.

"What... what is that?" Solus asked in awe.

"I don't know," Alpha Trion answered, watching intently your every movement. Megatronus' optics narrowed, and he took a step forward, towering threateningly over you. "Whatever it is, it's not from here. It can be dangerous," He growled out.

"H-Hey, easy there, big guy," you stammered nervously, scooting slightly from the mech. You most definitely weren't going to stand near the future so-called 'Fallen'. Right when the words escaped your mouth, Solus and Alpha Trion gasped simultaneously.

"Did it just... talk?" Megatronus scoffed at Solus' question. "For me it sounded like a meaningless gibberish."

"Don't be so small minded, Megatronus. Even if you don't understand what she's saying, it doesn't mean it's not a language," Alpha Trion opposed. The two remaining Primes gave him confused looks. "She?"

The mech smirked slightly at that. "Yes. She may be a different species than ours, but you both can say it's a she by the way her frame is built."

"... Actually, now that you mention it, she does resemble my body structure," Solus mused, cupping her chin in her servo.

While the robots talked with each other in what you assumed was Cybertronian language, a frown made its way on your features. This was certainly a bad sign. It was obvious the Cybertronians couldn't understand you, and sadly, you didn't have enough knowledge to speak their language. So how in the Pits you were going to communicate with them? It'd probably take years before you could learn Cybertronian. Honestly, Primus could think about it before he sent

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