Chapter 14: Bitter Reunion

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"Hurry the fuck up!"

"Keep your damn mouth shut."

"Look, I don't know how you're feeling in this situation, but I can assure you that I don't like your balls on the back of my neck. That being said, if you'd hurry up and grab it already, it'd be very much appreciated!"

"This was your idea in the first place, don't complain about it now."

"How about I just drop your ass?"

Noah rolled his eyes and stretched his body more, reaching up to the branch of a tree. Kyle swayed below him and cursed under his breath, trying his best not to drop him despite his threat. He had suggested climbing a tree to get an idea of where they were, but after realizing the height of their surroundings and a quick argument, he became the ladder.

Noah put a hand on top of the other boy's head and fully extended his arm to get up more, his body slowly rising off of his shoulders. Kyle gritted his teeth and stood sturdy, then in one final taut motion, all of the weight was off of him. He looked up and watched Noah climb, tapping his foot impatiently as he kept guard at the bottom. His arms stayed folded over his chest and a scowl was glued to his face.

"This was so fucking stupid..." he growled to himself. Pursing his lips, he swallowed hard and let out a small sigh. "I should have listened to her. All of this could have been avoided if I just went back like she wanted, and now she's gone... God, I'm such an idiot."

"I'm glad to hear you've finally come to terms with yourself," Noah suddenly said. Kyle turned his gaze up to glare at his opposite, but was quickly met with a shoe to the face as he swung down on the branch. He heard a faint 'Oops' come from him as he gripped his throbbing nose and backed away to give him room to drop down. When he did, Noah turned to his left and started walking without an apology. Kyle had to bite his tongue to stop himself from yelling, only glaring at Noah's back as he followed him.

"How do you know this is the right way?" he asked after a while of them walking in silence. He heard him sigh and could tell he rolled his eyes.

"What was the point of climbing the tree if you were just gonna doubt me?" The irritation dripped with each word. Kyle opened his mouth to speak, then shut it right away. They were left in silence once again.

The forest they were going through wasn't the prettiest they've seen. The undergrowth was dying and the leaves littering the ground were brown and wrinkled. The trees creaked and groaned quietly in the light breeze that stirred them, the ugly leaves falling from their branches. The light steps of the boys seemed loud in the silence that held them. Kyle looked around for a moment, then landed his eyes back on Noah.

He hated how calm he always managed to be no matter the situation. The most emotion he's seen him show was when he punched him earlier; he was actually stressed out in that moment, maybe even panicked. That made his mind wander to Alexis. She was the one who made him like that, the one that could get him to express himself. Even if it was just a flicker in his eyes or a small smile, she was what had done it.

"Say..." Kyle suddenly piped up, almost hesitantly. Noah gave no indication that he had heard, so he just decided to continue; the quiet of the forest was killing him. "Where do you think they're keeping her?" The other boy shrugged his shoulders roughly.

"It doesn't matter." Kyle scoffed and raised an eyebrow.

"Enlighten me." Noah stopped walking and turned on his heel, coming face to face with his opposite. Kyle simply quirked a brow at him and put his hands behind his head, waiting for an explanation. Noah clenched his fists to prevent himself from throwing punches.

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