Chapter 5: Trouble

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"I'm just saying, the next time we need to share rooms, YOU sleep with Alexis," Candice said to Elizabeth.

"Why? Did she have a nightmare and wake you up?" Kyle asked with a laugh. Candice rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"No, she didn't. She was latched onto me all through the night. It wasn't very comfortable if you ask me; that girl is a hardcore cuddler."

"Why didn't you tell her to get off?" Brandon asked, leaning against a tree. The girl shook her head again and sighed, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Believe me, I tried. Hell, I even woke her up at one point and told her, but she told me to be quiet and went back to sleep like it was nothing!" Kyle burst into a fit of exaggerated laughter at the explanation and even had to cover his reddening face while the other two boys simply chuckled to themselves.

"She's a five year old stuck in a mature body! What's next?!" he laughed.

"What's next is she's gonna come out of the trees and send your ass flying for laughing at her," Elizabeth said, staring off in the direction she had gone. "She said she was gonna be quick," she added. The laughter died down and they all looked around.

"She has been gone for a while..." Brandon said, looking uneasy.

"Maybe one of us should have gone with her," Noah said.

"She said she could take care of herself, but for all we know she could've been impaled by a unicorn foal or somethin'," Elizabeth said as she stood up from her rock and dropped her backpack. "At least one of us has to stay here in case she comes back. Who wants to help me look?" The three guys seemed eager to search for her as well and put down their things. Candice took Elizabeth's spot on the rock and made herself comfortable.

"I'll call if she pops up," she said, waving them off. The four set out in the direction the small girl had gone minutes ago. They followed her tracks for a short distance and came across the stream she passed.

"This isn't even that far from the path. She must've walked really slow if it's taken her this long," Elizabeth said, her grey eyes following along the edge of the stream.

"She went down farther, here," Noah said, pointing close to the side Elizabeth stood. "If she wanted a better place for a drink she would have foll-" Before he could finish his statement, a loud splash sounded not too far from them. The boys exchanged looks with each other, then quickly ran along the edge of the stream and bursted through a set of bushes to see a large mass of water; Elizabeth wasn't too far behind, seeming unconcerned.

"Has she mentioned anything about swimming?" Kyle asked, a weak laugh following the question. As if to answer, large bubbles erupted in front of them as they looked down into the water.

"Right there!" Brandon exclaimed, pointing at the sinking girl. "Something is pulling her down." Noah kneeled at the edge of the water and locked his eyes on Alexis' body. He put his hand into the liquid with an open palm and the water began to freeze over, spreading out towards the girl and the thing holding her. When he felt he was close enough to them, he clenched his hand into a fist, causing the ice to shoot out and enclose his target in a solid sphere. The creature jolted back in surprise and became frantic, taking Alexis fully in its arms and slamming its body against the ice repeatedly until it broke through. Noah's jaw clenched as he stood, kicking off his shoes and socks quickly before running along the edge of the water. His hard blue eyes stayed glued to his target as he grew closer, getting ready to intercept it.

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