*Optional Read*

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~Additional information on the Academy and Elements! Free to skip~

Hudson's Academy of Elements is split into six sections, each holding a different element. In the center, Earth and Air neighbor eachother due to their ability to get along without struggle. On the sides of them are Water and Fire, two opposites that rarely get along, and at the very far ends are the rare elements, Light and Dark.

Each section has two stories, both holding different age groups. A child that is between the ages of five and twelve must attend school on the ground floor to awaken their element and learn how to properly handle it. The second floor is for teens ages thirteen to twenty, where they learn how to conjure their element from their surroundings and their bodies. Past that, on the roof, the elements are brought together, forming the organization known as the Guard; they are responsible for the protection of the town and any outside jobs that come in. Not only are the elements there, but a wide variety of creatures as well. Dire wolves, fauns, elves, orcs, dragons; you name it. They are all there with the same goal; to sharpen their skills and protect the town they hold so dear.


Air Division - Inside one of the classrooms is a very windy and upbeat place. The people of this element are diverse and cheerful, with different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors. They spend most of their time increasing the size and strength of their tornadoes, practicing how long they can hold a gust, determining the number of people they can lift, and keeping their self in the air.

Earth Division - Here the air is dusty from the rocks and boulders that are constantly pulled and thrown around. Holders of this common element are usually of a more tan or darker tone of skin with brown hair and a variety of eye colors. They are calm individuals that spend class time throwing different sized rocks, shaping the earth with different movements of their body, or seeing how severe of a crevasse they can create.

Water Division - Classes take place in either the indoor pool or the river that flows behind the school. Students of this element have clear, bright skin that rests on serious faces and the common eye color of blue, but on rare occasions also green, with blonde hair. They can create waves near water, alter other liquids, and much more.

Fire Division - When entering one of these scorching classrooms, students with black hair and red hair will be throwing fire balls back and forth, the orb getting bigger with each toss. One with this element will have either brown or grey eyes and a light skin tone. Time here goes to holding fire and throwing it out in bursts while the more skilled students practice taking the heat from their own body and turning it to flames.

Light Division - Very few people fall into this class, and the school itself only has three students. Due to not having a natural teacher, the class is taught by one of the townsmen who studied the element. The ones here are bubbly and kind, being able to create and manipulate light. They are generally pale in skin tone and have light blonde hair with either blue, grey, or white eyes.

Dark Division - Much like their opposite, the ones with this element are few and the school has no proper teacher for them. There are only four and they keep their classroom dark. They either have grey or brown eyes with dark or light brown hair, natural black streaks acting as highlights. With this element, students spend the time they have summoning and training dark creatures and bursting light sources that are nearby.

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