Human Weakness

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Hello. I'm alive.
Shocking, I know. I blame writer's block.
And homework.
Especially homework.
And thank you all very much for reading my silly little story! It has over 200 reads and 18 votes now! That makes me really happy! :D
I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Bill's back!

~Your Buddy :)

P.S: Does anybody even bother to decipher the cipher at the bottom?...I do try to include a hint of foreshadowing...


Whoever said that being human was a gift could go die in a dark, dank hole for all Bill cared. Being human was horrible, awful, no, absolutely disgusting!

Their horrendous bodies sweat all the time, there was some sort of rash forming on his face (poison ivy was not a nice thing to fall into), and then there was the problem that was his stomach. He could feel it contract and make weird noises every now and then--it honestly felt like he was dying. Not that he knew what dying felt like.

"I'm gonna kill Shooting Star..." Bill grumbled, his sole eye sharp.

Bill wasn't stupid. He knew that that the curse was spread through physical contact, and she had touched him. He didn't expect to become a human. That caught him off guard. One moment, he was his normal, isosceles self, and then, BAM! He was stuck in a sweaty meat sack.

Bill trudged through the forest, every tree looking the same to him. His mind empty. Too empty. Much too empty. With all of this becoming-a-human thing, all his near omniscient  knowledge, the universe's very secrets, were all gone. Gone. Apparently, a human brain couldn't handle all that information. They really should have made it more durable.

"Stupid brain...stupid humans and their impulsiveness."

His elbow stung from his fall earlier, the damned scrape angry and red. Usually, any injury of his was healed in a matter of seconds. Stupid human healing processes. Bill's throat was dry, his tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth. Bill kicked at some fallen leaves, losing his balance and falling on his rump.

"Arghhhhhhhhh!" Bill yelled, smashing his fist on the ground in frustration. That, of course, hurt, which only made Bill that much more irritated. "Son of a-"

A loud snap shut Bill up.

Bill whipped his head towards the noise, his only eye widening. He knew he was vulnerable in his current form. He knew he could die. He didn't want to die. His measly human heart beat erratically, and a terrible, claustrophobic feeling spread from deep in his abdomin to his chest, seemingly making breathing harder. He was very familiar with this feeling, used to his victims reeking of it before he killed them.

Fear, Bill thought. How pathetic.

There was a shuffling noise, and then the unknown assailant appeared. His sight was met with a little man standing to his left, his red pointed hat popping against the darker colour of the tree's bark. It's just a gnome! You were scared of a stupid gnome! thought Bill. He stood to wring the tiny creature's neck, and tripped over his own foot, smashing his face against a tree.

The gnome looked at Bill. "Are you alright there?"

Bill glared at him, wondering if the creature had a death wish. He gently massaged his nose. "...Depends. Don't you know me?" he asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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