Moonlight Madness

240 14 12

*evil cackling*


Wendy walked along the path to her house, head pounding.

Why do I feel so sick?...

Wendy groaned, clutching her forehead. Her stomach twisted and turned, her limbs felt heavy and her vision blurred.

The sun was going down behind her, the last rays of light casting an orange glow on Wendy. The light was bothering her for some reason. She wanted to get away from it.

But why?...

"I was feeling just fine earlier..." Wendy murmured to herself.

Her stomach decided to make itself known at that moment, growling loudly. Sharp hunger pains soon assaulted her, making her double over with pain. It felt like she hadn't eaten in a month!...

"I need to get home."


The moon was now in the night sky in all its full splendour. Normally, Wendy would've loved to watch the moon a little while and admire it. Tonight however, there was something off about it.

She was almost at her house, the horrid pains in her stomach delaying her.

A wave of new intense pain washed over her unexpectedly, one spreading throughout her entire body.

What's happening? Why am I hurting? Why does it HURT?

"Ahh!" Wendy screamed, her cry echoing through the woods. She vaguely heard snapping noises that sounded an awful lot like bones, briefly wondering if they were her own bones or some poor sap's out in the woods.

The pain did not stop in the slightest, continuing, slowly getting more intense. Needles were pricking her skin, her mouth being stretched, her spine pulled.

Then, when Wendy thought she just might die there, it stopped.

"Finally..." Wendy breathed. Turns out she spoke too soon.

Her mind started to fog.

The inhuman hunger she had started to feel earlier returned, this time ten times worse.

Her thoughts become jumbled, not quite sane.

I'm hungry.


What do I do?


Eat what?


What prey?

Anything with blood.

How do I--?


A deep throated snarl escaped her, a sudden craving for something, anything, warm and soft overpowering her senses.

She picked up a scent, and oh what a marvellous scent it was. It smelt so good!...


Had she said that before? To someone? Who also smelt the same?...


She stalked through the forest, her foot falls not making a sound. No cat had anything on her!

Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

Wendy paused at the tiny little sound. She instinctively knew it was a heartbeat.

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