What to Do About Mabel

268 17 4

What is this?

An update? Wow, I'm surprised at myself. I honestly thought I wouldn't post this until February.

But Alas, short chapter is short. *tears*

Exam week sucks the life out of you.

For the record, the codes at the end of each chapter will be in Caesar Cipher until I decide to change the code.

"Costume?" Dipper repeated.

"Yeah, dude! Where'd you get it?" Wendy asked. She circled him once and patted his deer back, an act which sent shivers up both his spines and turned his mind to mush. "The fur looks and feels so real! How does it look like you're actually half deer?"


"Wait, lemme guess," Wendy said. She thought hard for a minute, eyebrows furrowing. "Is Mabel back there?"

That snapped Dipper out of his Wendy-induced stupor, causing him to splutter "W-what?"

"Is your sister the back legs?"

Dipper blinked, wondering if he really looked like he was wearing a costume. He turned to look at his deer body, staring at the brown fur with white fawn spots. It looked awfully real.

"Um, Wendy? Uh, Mabel isn't here she's at the lake," Dipper mumbled.

"Why is she at the lake?"

Dipper felt a bead of sweat streak down his face, thoughts racing. It's just Wendy, it's just Wendy-oh gosh it's Wendy.

"I'm actually deer half!" He yelled, his voice breaking at the end. "Haha Heh."


What the heck did I just say? Dipper thought, face burning.

"Wait. Is this for real?" Wendy asked, tilting her head. She gave him a once over again, and it suddenly dawned on her that those hooves were much too realistic to be a costume. "Whoa! How'd that happen?"

He must've had looked offended or something, because Wendy said,"You don't look bad like this--actually, you kinda look cute."

Dipper nearly fell over from the relief he felt. Wendy seemed to be cool with him like this. Then again, she was the coolest person he knew.

"Well, it's kinda a long story," Dipper said, his awkward laughter ringing in the gift shop. Wendy gave him a we-have-all-the-time-in-the-world stare, and he sighed.

"Okay, okay. Long story short, Mabel and I got cursed because we disturbed a beaver creature's sacred river, and now I'm here to get help."

"Dude, that's so metal," Wendy said, "What did Mabel turn into?"

"She turned into a mermaid. That's why she's at the lake," Dipper answered. Wendy chuckled, face brightening up.

"I can totally see that! But, how is she going to do anything?" Wendy pondered. "I mean, Stan's gonna notice her missing eventually."

Dipper's floppy ears flattened against his head--he hadn't thought about that.

"I hadn't thought about that," he admitted. Wendy rolled her eyes.

"Of course," she said. "You came to get me to help yeah?"

Dipper nodded.

"Then let's go," she said as she headed outside.

He started to walk awkwardly after her when some of the words Wendy said just clicked in his mind.

He furrowed his eyebrows. His nose twitched.

"I am not cute."
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