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I groaned, "I'm so nervous."Ginny laughed, "Relax, 'Mione, every girl is nervous on her wedding day." I grimaced, "Were you?" I asked. She shrugged, "Not as much as you." She said, popping a piece of chocolate in her mouth. I glared at her, "Not helping." She rolled her eyes, Oh, chill, you'll be fine." 

I stood up, "Alright, well, there's ten minutes until you loose the name Granger-" I raised an eyebrow at her. She nods, "I mean, there's ten more minutes until you and ferret-" I glared at her, "Fine! There's ten minutes until you get married." I grinned, she stuck her tongue out at me. 

"You'd better put on your dress." She said. I nodded. I grabbed the white dress and smiled. I slipped it on. The dress was absolutely lovely. Floral patterns ran down the dress. It was tight until the waist, which was where it flowed out. It was a v cut down the chest and the top wrapped around my neck. The back was completely bare and the fabric started maybe an inch above my butt. 

I walked out and Ginny spit out the piece of Chocolate she had been eating. "Merlin, 'Mione... you look gorgeous!" I blushed, "You think Draco will like it?" Ginny grinned, "I think he's going to fall in love with you all over again." I smiled, "Thanks Gin." She winked and grabbed my hand, "Come on, we go'n get 'chu married!" I giggled and walked behind her, "Ginny! Not so fast! I can't walk in this thing!"

We walked over to Harry and when he spotted me, he grinned and said, "'Mione, you look absolutely stunning." I smiled and kissed his cheek. I then looked at Ginny and frowned, "You sure you're alright with Harry walking me?" Ginny nodded, "He's as protective as a father, so why not?" I smiled and hugged her, "Thanks Gin." She nodded.

I heard the music begin to play and Ginny grabbed Ron's elbow, Ginny started walking. Next, Blaise and Astoria began to walk. I turned to Harry, I was beginning to get seriously nervous. He smiled at me, "Nervous?" I nodded, "It's alright, I thought I was going to soil my pants on my wedding day, but when I said those two words, It was all worth it." He smiled reassuringly at me. 

I smiled and nodded. Then, we started walking and I was in a trance. 


I was extremely nervous as I saw Ginny and Weasel begin to walk down the isle. Next came Blaise and Astoria. As they came, I saw a tiny piece of white fabric. Hermione. I haven't seen her in what seems like forever. I wanted to see her and never let her go for a minute in my life ever again. 

I saw Potter first, and then... I suddenly couldn't breathe. Hermione looked gorgeous. Her hair in a complicated style that made it seem soft and smooth and beautiful. Her face had little to no make up. Which I was completely fine with, she doesn't like make up anyways. She was holding a beautiful bundle of flowers. Her dress was so long you couldn't see her shoes. And speaking of her dress. It showed every beautiful thing about her body. But the most beautiful thing... was her face. 

Not the make up, but that look that she wore. She hated having all the attention on her, other than when she answered a question correctly (Which was every day). She blushed slightly, and no, it wasn't the make up. Her eyes gleamed, but not because of the eyeliner. And her lips popped out and made me want to attack them with my own, but not because of the lipstick she wore. 

She just looked like... Hermione. And I couldn't have been happier if it was any other person who would soon stand next to me. I caught her eye and mouthed, "Granger." She silently laughed and glared at me, "Malfoy." Potter rolled his eyes at the two of us and let go of Hermione, giving her to me.

Hermione and I were giggling like little girls because the priest knew how boring this part was. And he kept throwing random things into his speech and after he paused he'd say, "Just making sure you're awake." 

Finally, though, It came to my personal favorite time. The priest turned to me, "Do you, Draco Malfoy take Hermione Granger to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?" I smiled, "I do." 

He turned to Hermione. "And do you, Hermione Granger, take Draco Malfoy to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?" She nodded, "Bloody hell I do." I chuckled.

The priest nodded, although frowning at the language, "Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have. The gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." 

"It's about time." I muttered and Hermione giggled as I grabbed her and kissed her. I heard three especially loud voices call out as we kissed, them being, Ginny, Blaise, and... My Father.

And I couldn't have been happier. 


Well, my lovlies, that is the end of the Book-- She's Mine! 

Hope you loved this book and if you haven't go vote on your favorite chapters, in fact comment below your favorite chapter. 

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Luv u all


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