Hermione Granger Will Be With My Son, And I Will Personally Make Sure Of It

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It was awkwardly silent at dinner. Hermione was trying to keep her head down, my father was glaring at both Hermione and myself, my mother was glancing from my Father to Hermione and the same to me.

I was thoroughly enjoying my dinner. 

My mother cleared her throat, "Well. I don't know much about you Hermione, could I ask you a few questions to get to know you?" I internally rolled my eyes. I knew she meant well, but she sounded like a killer learning about their target so they could murder them easier.

Hermione swallowed her food, "Sure," She said, "What do you want to know?" My mother smiles and shifts in her seat, she was happy for a light topic. I glanced over at my father, he was still glaring, but this time it was pointed at my mother. 

"Um. How about your parents?" My mother asked. I immediately glanced at my father. I expected him to be burning a glare into my mother, he wasn't. Instead, he was looking at Hermione with a little bit of interest, like a lot of interest. 

Hermione smiled. She was proud of who her parents were. Wish I could say the same. "My parents are dentists. They work on people's teeth." My mother raised her eyebrows, "Interesting." She looked at my father, "Isn't it Dear?" My father's interested face fell as all eyes landed on him.

He grunted, "Mhhm, very interesting." I glanced at Hermione, her lips were pursed and she looked disappointed. I hated my father sometimes. 

"Well, dinner was marvelous." I said, standing up, grabbing Hermione's hand. We walked up the steps, but my mother called out, "Draco! Could I speak to you, please? Privately." I gave Hermione a look. She smiled, "It's alright. I'll just be in the guest bedroom." She winked and walked up the stairs. I grinned.

"I think you're missing your father's point, Draco." My mother said, desperately. I didn't care, I was furious at my father for everything he said, "No! I understand what Father's point is-" My father stood up, "Brilliant, then the mudblood will be gone in the morning, correct?" I restrained myself from lunging at him, "Stop calling her that." 

"What? A Mudblood? Why should I? She is a mudblood." I slammed my hands down on the table, "I've seen her get attacked by dozens of death eaters, I've seen her bleed. And guess what, Father? It's the same blood as yours, mother's, and mine! But you still don't seem to think so." 

My father rolled his eyes, "Color means nothing, Draco. Her heritage. Her blood is not pure." I was furious by now, and I was sick and tired of everyone I knew having a problem with Hermione's blood. "You know, father. The war was supposed to change people's perspective. It was supposed to show that Voldemort-," I saw them involuntarily shudder, but I didn't care. I was on a roll,  "-was wrong. And that it didn't matter if you were a muggleborn, pureblood, or a half-blood. Looks like all the war did for you was get you locked up in Azkaban." 

My mother gasped at me, "Draco!" I shook my head, "And you! I thought you had changed." She frowned, "Draco-" I shook my head, "No! You haven't called her mudblood once and you didn't flip out and insult her right when you saw her. I thought you had changed. But that was obviously an act, because you're agreeing with him." My mother pursed her lips, "Draco, I know you love Hermione. I see it simply in the way you look at her. But sometimes-" 

I cut her off, "You know. You two are as bad as Voldemort himself." They both gasped. I felt a little bad. It wasn't exactly a compliment to be compared to Voldemort. "Draco." My mother said, her voice shaking ever so slightly, "I know that you don't like it. But it's for the best!" I slammed my hands down on the table, "No! It's not  for the best. Because the best is holding her in my arms. This is not the 'best'." 

I marched upstairs, my mother was calling up after me, but I refused to listen to the two of them any longer. 

I opened the door and slammed it shut, I plopped down on the bed and held my head in my hands. "Draco." I heard her whisper. I felt her arms wrap around my back and her head against my neck. 

I sighed, "Why does everyone think you're not important, that you're scum?" I heard her chuckle, "Probably the same reason you thought that the first time you met me." I sighed, "Because that's what they told me you were." She nodded. I sighed, "Why do you always have to be so smart, Granger?" 

She laughed, "Why do you always have to be so stupid, Malfoy?" I chuckled and grabbed her, rolling over and pinning her to the bed.  "You know something, Granger?" She giggled, "What, Malfoy." I grinned and kissed her on the lips, "I love you." She laughed, "And somehow, I love you too." I smirked and rolled over next to her and threw the covers over us, and pulling her against my body.


"I'll go talk to him," I assured Lucius. He growled and nodded. I ran up the stairs. I made it to the hallway as I heard the door slam shut. I tip toed up to the door and heard a whisper, "Draco." Hermione had said that. 

I heard Draco sigh. He never sighed. Unless he had to do a chore he disliked or he was upset or content. "Why does everyone think you're not important, that you're scum?" Draco said. Immediately guilt swarmed over my body. I heard Hermione chuckle. That's weird. I expected her to be insulted. Then again, I bet she was used to it. Which was awful. 

"Probably the same reason you thought that the first time you met me." Hermione said. Wait. What did he do to her in first year? I heard Draco sigh, again! "Because that's what they told me you were." Draco sighed, again, "Why do you always have to be so smart, Granger?"

I smiled unknowingly, was my son flirting? She laughed, "Why do you always have to be so stupid, Malfoy?" Draco chuckled. I smiled. They were cute together. No matter how different they were. "You know something, Granger?" I heard Hermione giggled, "What, Malfoy." Wait, they call each other by their last names? Must be a habit. 

 "I love you." Draco said. I grinned. She laughed, "And somehow, I love you too." I smiled and walked away from the door. Draco was right. Blood didn't matter. I guess witnessing them together gave me an idea about just how much this girl means to Draco. And she changed him, for the better. And Hermione Granger will be with my son. And I will personally make sure of it. 


Aww Narcissa. It's about time woman!

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