That Confusing Concerned Look

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It was Monday night. I had to patrol tonight with Malfoy. That didn't seem to help the mood at the table around me.

Well, It was a nice dinner until Ron came, with his pet in tow, smiling and waving as she was pulled along. Ron was about to sit across from me, then thought better of it, he was about to sit across from Ginny when he noticed her glaring at him. He looked around, trying to find another option. 

"Ron, Just sit down." I grumbled. Ron sat across from me and I could feel Lavender's glare. But, I could also feel another pair of eyes on me. I didn't realize who it was until I heard a voice in my head. 

You alright, Granger? I rolled my eyes, Okay, you seriously need to stop doing that. He laughed. I don't know, It's kind of fun. I chuckled. 

I'm just going to keep bugging you until you answer my question. I gave him a look from the Gryffindor table. He smirked. All humor was drained from me, Why do you care, Malfoy? He shrugged. Maybe It's because I live with you now, and I don't like tear drops on my potions homework. I laughed a little. You've changed. Malfoy looked down. 

I'm not so sure I did. I raise an eyebrow at him. What do you mean? He smirks, Stop changing the subject! I laughed, You stop changing the subject! He smirks, Fine, I'll tell you my answer if you tell me yours. I laugh and pretend to take a long time deciding. I see him raise an eyebrow at me and smirk, Granger, I'm in your brain, I know that you're not deciding. I smile, I know, but it's fun to make you mad. He rolls his eyes, Answer!  I give him a look, Alright, Alright. 

All humor gone, I sighed, I really am not okay. Ron said some things and I honestly don't know If I can forgive him. Malfoy was silent, then he sighed, Well, all I can do is tell you to give it some time. He'll come around. I mean, you're best mates, right? I frown, I don't know about that anymore, we were. Malfoy shook his head, Well, It's his loss, I suppose. I laugh, Alright, Ferret, your turn

He sighed, Had to call me that, huh? I shrug, It got too lovey dovey. He laughed, That's true. He sighed, Wait, what was my question?  

Oh did you 'forget'? He stuck his tongue out at me. I gave him a look, If I could, Malfoy, I'd go right over there and slap that smirk right off your face. He smirked and said, Alright. 

He looked me dead in the eye and said, I don't think I've changed. I frown,  I do. He shakes my head, You know, I realized just how much of a jerk I was to muggleborns. I mutter, Still are. He glares at me, Granger. I am in. your. head! I can hear everything!

 You were supposed to. He raised an eyebrow at me, You know, you aren't making this easy. I grin, Thanks

He rolls his eyes and says, Well, I might've starting acting differently, because I realized something. I raise an eyebrow at him, And what's that?  

Well, Hello, Love birds. 

 I looked at Ginny, It wasn't her. Besides, the voice was too low. I looked at Malfoy and saw he was holding Blaise at the neck. He dropped him when I looked. Saw you guys making funny faces at each other, I figured it was a good conversation to join into. I gave Malfoy a look. 

Go on, just pretend I'm not here. Blaise grinned. 

We stopped talking. Well, I mean, I could invite a friend to this conversation, maybe make this a bit more interesting.  I expected to heard Pansy's voice or Astoria's. But, when Ginny's voice rang in my brain, I smacked her. Hey! 

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