All of These Awful Things That Have Happened to Her Because Of Me.

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I woke up to screaming, coming from Granger's dorm. I stood up and rushed out of my room, banging into Granger and Weaselette's dorm. 

The red head was kneeling next to Granger, crying. Granger was also crying and was screaming. "What's wrong with her?" I yelled at the red head. She gasped, "I don't know!" Ganger screamed again and it took me to a flashback. A flashback to the day her, Potter and Weasel were captured. My crazy aunt. Taking control, torturing Granger. 

I looked at her arm, which she was scratching at. Mudblood. Her nails were so sharp, and she was scratching at it so hard, it started to bleed. "Granger!" I yelled, not thinking. She stopped for a minute and she whispered, "Malfoy." She cried louder, "Malfoy! Help me!" I felt tears in my eyes, "Please!" She begged. 

She screamed again. I felt so helpless. Weaselette ran out of the room, crying. I heard her yell at Blaise to stay out. Granger started, once again,clawing at her scar. I jumped on top of her and pinned her to the bed. 

I grabbed her arms and she screamed once again. "Granger." I whispered in her ear. She stopped screaming. "Malfoy?" I chuckled in her ear, even though this was not a laughing matter. "Wake up, Granger." She whimpered, but started breathing normally, "Wake up." She repeated. 

Her eyes flew open and she tackled me in a hug, tears pouring down her cheeks. "Malfoy. It felt so real." She sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her and nodded, kissing her head, "I know." 

And we just sat there, her clutching onto me, sobbing into my shirt, her blood soaking my cloak. But, I didn't care. "It was just a dream." I muttered. She nodded, "But it was about something that happened." She croaked. She had started to calm down. I nodded, "Yes. But you know the thing about that?" I asked. She looked up and me, "What?" She hiccuped. "Is that I will never ever let anything remotely close to that happen to you. For as long as I live." She smiled and hugged me again. 

I laid down and she rested next to me, her upper half laying on my chest. "I love you, Granger." She smiled, "I love you, Malfoy." 

When I woke up, Granger was still beside me, looking peaceful. I carefully got up, casting a quick healing spell on her arm, and walked out. Blaise and Weaselette were sitting on a couch, both looking confused. The red head saw me and stood up, marching over to me, pointing at the dorm I had just exited from. "You- H-How did you- How did you do th- that?" I shrugged and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"I just hugged her." I said truthfully. She placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows at me, "Oh come on, ferret. You love having something to boast about. You can't just simply hug someone and make them better." I shook my head, "I hugged her and then she fell asleep beside me." 

She still didn't look convinced. I didn't care. I turned to Blaise, "Remind me why we are not at class." Blaise nodded, "Right. Well, we told McGonagall about the whole thing and she seemed pretty worried. But she understood, the war left memories, that turned into nightmares. She said we should stay with her." 

The weaselette grimaced, "If any of the four of us should be having the worst nightmares, it's between you and Hermione." I nodded, I didn't say anything. There wasn't much to say. 

I sat down on the couch closest to her dorm, just incase It happened again. I uneasily glanced at the dorm, wondering what kind of other horrific things she has experienced over the years. And what I could do to make them all go away. 


I walked into Transfiguration and sat down at my seat. That's weird. Ginny wasn't here yet. I glanced at Ron's seat and saw that Hermione wasn't here either. I started panicking. But when I really started to get worried, was when I looked over at Malfoy and Blaise's seat. Empty. 

Class didn't start yet, so I walked up to the Professor's desk. "Professor." I said, rather loudly. Professor McGonagall looked up, rather startled. "Is everything alright, Mr. Potter?" I shrugged, "I don't know Professor." She set down her quill, "Mr. Potter?" I gestured to the empty seats, "Where are Ginny, Hermione, Malfoy, and Blaise?" 

Professor McGonagall frowned, that's when I knew something was seriously wrong. I narrowed my eyes at her, "What happened." 

Normally, I wouldn't even think of acting like this to a professor, except Snape, but this was an emergency.

She frowned, "I will excuse you and Mr. Weasley from class. I assume he would like to see her as well." My heart started racing, "Wait, what happened to Hermione?" She frowned, "I believe Mr. Malfoy-" I cut her off. "No! Ron, come on!"  I glanced at Professor McGonagall, "Password?" She shook the shock off her face and said, "Alohamora."

"What?" Ron asked. I pulled him and walked out of the classroom. I started running. "What's going on, Harry?" I scowled, "Malfoy's done something to Hermione." Ron stopped running. He was fuming, "Come on, Ron." 

Ron ran with a new passion. We reached the head's compartment. There was LuLu, looking happy as ever. "Pass-" I cut her off, "ALOHAMORA!" She flinched back and let us enter, without giggling. 

Ron ran in and screamed, "What the bloody hell did you do to her Malfoy!?" I saw a look of confusion cross Malfoy's tired face, "What the bloody hell are you talking about?" I was fuming, "You said you wouldn't hurt her!" Malfoy stood up, "I didn't hurt anybody!" 

Hermione walked in, holding her arm. I ran over to her and hugged her. "Harry?" She asked in confusion, "What are you doing here?" I frowned, "You didn't show up to class and McGonagall said something happened to you." 

She nodded, "Yeah. I had one of those War nightmares. You obviously know about them. But then Malfoy-" I scowled at him, "I knew he did something." Hermione shook her head, confusion spread across her face, "No, Harry. Why would you think that?" I gave her a confused look, "But McGonagall said that Malfoy did something." 

Hermione narrowed her eyes at me. "Did she say exactly what Malfoy did?" I frowned, "No." She smirked. Merlin, she looked like a female version of Malfoy. "Why don't you ask Malfoy what he did." 

Ron and I turned to Malfoy and he rolled his eyes, "I woke her up and calmed her down." Ginny kicked him, grinning. Malfoy scowled at her. Anger boiled in my stomach. "Harry. Malfoy didn't do anything." I nodded, "I know. I'm sorry for assuming." She raised her eyebrow at me and nodded at Malfoy. I sighed.

I turned around and said, "I'm sorry, Malfoy, for assuming." I looked at Ron. He grumbled what I thought was an apology. Malfoy smirked at that. "Are you okay?" I motioned to her arm. She nodded, "Yeah, I just re opened the scar. 

I grabbed her hand and looked at the scar. It still was very legible and it stood out. It brought bad memories to mind and I shivered. "I'm so sorry, 'Mione." I said. She smiled, "I know," She sighed, "And you shouldn't be. I chose to be best friends with Harry Potter."  And she did. She knew that I wasn't talking about this current situation that was happening. 

She knew I was apologizing for everything I have ever done. Everything I let happen to her. All of the nightmares that I have inflicted onto her. All of these awful things that have happened to her... Because of... me.


I like this chapter bc it shows how the War affected everyone. I feel like the books didn't show how messed up everyone can get after war. And I think it's important to remember what these kids suffered through, made up or not.

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