Chapter Four

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We can get the results from the screening test today, but my parents are too busy.” I said on the phone. “So that means I’d still be waiting for two days.”

At the other end was my best-friend, Sandrine or Sandy, as I call her. It’s funny that she’s now my best friend when she used to be a mortal enemy in elementary. She became my best friend in high school when we joined the exact, same clubs. From there, things kind of just clicked between us. Sandy’s like the sister I never got and she felt the same because she was also an only child. So you can imagine how similar we are and how happy I was, not when I met her, but when we became friends.

“That’s perfect!” Sandy exclaimed.

“Wait, so you’re glad about it?”

“Well, I was glad because my dad just got back from his business trip in Hong Kong.” She explained. “And since he didn’t buy me any souvenirs there, he just gave me money.” She went on. “So I was thinking of using it today at the mall. We can get some pizza, my treat. How’d this afternoon sound?”

“Like I said, my parents are busy. They won’t have time to argue about it”

“Great! I’ll see you later, Nat.”

Now if there’s one thing that is different between us, it’s her generous parents and lavish lifestyle—that makes our difference two things then.  And if there’s one person who I’d like to exchange souls with, it’ll definitely be Sandy. She’s not only rich, but she’s really pretty as well. And did I mention that she’s also on top of our class? As usual, I only came in second. It’s been like that since forever, but I’m not used to it. I make it LOOK like I’m used to it but the truth is, I hate it. The only reason that I let that happen is that I can’t do anything about it—she’s always ‘mas’ than me. I know what I said and I mean it that I’m not your regular teenage girl, I really am not. But I don’t think anyone could escape the spell of insecurity. Puberty does that to you. I’m green with envy, I admit, but don’t get me wrong here—I’m still a genuine friend.

Feeling lazy today, I threw myself on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling. There, I imagined what my life would be when I was as rich as Sandy.

I daydream a lot. I imagine myself in different, often delightful situations. I do it calm my stressed-out mind, vanish boredom and escape reality, in general. And it’s also because I’ve read somewhere that a study showed, a majority of people who won or achieved something have pictured themselves being that, beforehand.

So imagine if I passed that screening test and finally, got a perfect 20-20 eye vision. I see myself being miss beauty-and-brains in college!


Sandy and I have already shopped ‘till we spent everything his dad gave her. We’re now eating at our favorite pizza chain. And I would love to tell you the name of the place because their pizza is the best, but they won’t pay me for the advertisement.

“We should do this more often.” I jokingly suggested. “I haven’t spent a single cent on anything. Can you believe it?”

I then poked around the things Sandy bought for me.

“I feel you.” Sandy scoffs.

I slipped on one of the bangles and patted her back. “You’re a really good friend, Sandy.”

“I know that.” She smiled, going with my joke.

Sandy’s phone rang after that conversation. We hang out a lot and judging from the look on her face, I knew that it wouldn’t take long before she leaves. And I was right. It didn’t take long before I found myself finishing our food before I leave. And that was all thanks to my tightfisted parents, who have taught me the importance of food.

I was on my way home, walking to the bus stop across the mall, when a gray sedan pulled up in front of me. I felt a little nervous because it wasn’t my dad’s car. What could be the reason of a stranger pulling up in front of a 13-year-old girl? I have a pretty wild imagination and there are just so many thoughts that have been popping onto my head. It can come handy at times, you know. Unfortunately, during this kind of situations, it’s the last thing you need. Because of that, I became more anxious than ever. My heart was beating so fast and sweat started rolling like crazy. And I guess I wasn’t in my right mind when I decided to stay there.  

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