Chapter Three

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“I was asking about when you said I was good-looking. Did you really mean it?” He smirked.

But I remained as still as a statue. I really wanted to say something, but I had nothing on my mind right now. And if I did had something to say, I doubt that I’ll open my mouth and say it—I’m not used to this kind of embarrassment.

He then noticed it and began to laugh.

This is the part where I curse him inside my head. But instead of going with my temper, I managed to keep my cool.

Thinking logically, I returned an equally annoying smirk. “I didn’t know you were this cocky, DOCTOR.”

“I wasn’t” he replied. “That is, until I was flattered.”

That’s the first time someone ever talked back to me after a witty remark. It was weird because they usually get annoyed and leave. This is a first and I really have no idea what to say next. He’s pathetic! So pathetic!

“This conversation is pointless.” I said, hastily walking past him with an effortless stern on my face. It was weird on my part, because I don’t remember the last time I was sad so I’m used to faking my stern faces. Well, what do you know? That’s a first.

But no matter how fast I walked, he was still able to catch up. At that time, my head felt as if it carries the weight of the world. I can’t afford to be preoccupied by my deep thoughts again.

So thinking ahead, I brushed him off with an irritated grin. “I know my way from here. Thank you, doctor.”

I’m glad he was smart enough to get that.

I managed to get a good glance at him before I left. He was dumbfounded, obviously. And I hated myself for feeling a little guilty. I didn’t know what else to do! The only thing I could think of, at that time, was leaving.

I regretted it at first because I can’t remember the way back. Aside from my bad sense of direction, I blame the countless hallways and the endless line of doors that looked EXACTLY the same. Thankfully, just when I thought that I was getting lost. I saw dad waiting from a distance. You don’t know how relieved I was at the sight of him—it would be very embarrassing if I really got lost. And to think that leaving that conceited doctor was not a good idea.

But still, I walked away. And in my dictionary (and I assume the majority of the world’s population’s), walking away means you’re weak. Am I? I hope not, because that was a completely different situation. And at that time, I just couldn’t bear another word from him anymore! Hearing his voice, to me, was like hearing someone play violin for the first time. And if you haven’t heard one yet, you’re lucky. ‘Cause it feels like getting your ears pierced—on the inside. Just thinking about that conceited doctor really makes me burst with pure anger. I hope that’s he’s just there to do my screening test—to be with him until my eyes are done with the operation is a NIGHTMARE. Being a four-eyed girl for four years IS unfortunate enough—fate need not do that any longer.

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