I really hate that spell

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He laughed, "Because of you!" He paused, "I was your boyfriend. I thought it was going pretty well too." I scoffed, "You broke up with me!" He waved me off, "It was necessary." I raised an eyebrow at him, "Oh, really?" He shook his head, "I had to get payback." I shook my head, "For what?" He scoffed, "Krum."

I gawked at him, "You're still on that!?" He nodded as If it was a stupid question. "I thought it was going well, too. Then you and Malfoy started to become friends. Then, It became more than friends. And I knew... I made a mistake." I rolled my eyes. "So, I tried to make you as miserable as possible. But it was impossible. Malfoy was there through everything."

I nodded, "That's what a boyfriend is supposed to do. Not that you would know." He glared at me, "If he asked you to marry him... would you say yes?" I didn't even hesitate, "Absolutely." Ron looked sincerely hurt. "Crucio!"

I screamed as pain washed over me once again.


I looked at the clock. She isn't back. I threw back the covers. My stomach was having a punching battle with my intestines, but i had to find her. I wouldn't forgive myself if I was the reason she was injured or even dead.

I grabbed my wand and ran to Ginny and Hermione's room. Ginny bolted up, "Merlin, Malfoy! You scared me!" She frowned, "Where's Hermione?" I shook my head, "I'm going to go find her. But you need to tell me the password for Gryffindor." She frowned, "Why?" I shook my head, "Potter found me and I need to know how he did it." She raised an eyebrow, "You mean the map?"

"Map?" She nodded and got up, pulling a large piece of parchment out of her trunk. "I borrowed it and haven't given it back yet." She opened it and pointed her wand at it, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Suddenly, a model of the entire castle showed up. "Woah." Ginny searched around, "There!" She gasped, "Oh no." I bolted over to the map, "What?"

She grimaced, "She's in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom." I frowned, "What's so bad about that?"

She frowned, "She's in there with that bloody Weasel and Pansy."

I bolted to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Not slowing down for anything. As soon as I got there, I slowed down. I heard her voice and I sighed in relief.

"Let me guess, your question is..." I heard the bloody weasel paused, "Why are you doing this?" He asked. I guess Hermione must have nodded or something because he continued.

He laughed, "Because of you!" He paused, "I was your boyfriend. I thought it was going pretty well too." Hermione scoffed, "You broke up with me!" He continues, "It was necessary." Hermione kind of scoffed, "Oh, really?" The weasel was silent.

"I had to get payback." Hermione asked, "For what?" He scoffed, "Krum."

"You're still on that!?" Hermione asked with disbelief. "I thought it was going well, too. Then you and Malfoy started to become friends. Then, It became more than friends. And I knew... I made a mistake." Hermione was silent. "So, I tried to make you as miserable as possible. But it was impossible. Malfoy was there through everything."

"That's what a boyfriend is supposed to do. Not that you would know." The weasel said with a cold tone, "If he asked you to marry him... would you say yes?" Hermione didn't even hesitate, "Absolutely." I kind of stumbled back. She would? She loved me that much? I grinned like a fool. Not much could have brought me out of that happy trance, but that one word did.


I heard Hermione scream and I immediately burst into the room, aimed at Weasel and shouted. "Sectumsempra." I missed. I cursed under my breath. At least I got him to stop using the curse on Hermione.

Weasel grinned at me, "Well, Hello ferret! Join the party. Congrats, you seem to be the topic." I glared at him, "Let her go, Weasel." He shrugged, "Alright." The ropes disappeared with a flick of his wand. I glanced at his suspiciously.

He grinned, "I'll just set her... up here." He levitated Hermione up right by the window. Why did she have to be so small? She could easily fall to her death. "Let her go!" I yelled. He shrugged, "Alright." And he lowered his wand, Hermione fell. I sprinted to the window.

I felt wands pointed at me. "Sectumsempra!" I heard Ginny yell. I heard a thump and a groan from Weasel. "So that's what it does." Ginny said. I would have rolled my eyes, but I was halfway through the window. "wingardium leviosa!" Hermione was just in range. Immediately a purple glow surrounded her and I just about sobbed in relief.

I grabbed her and pulled her in. I held her in my arms. I looked up to see Pansy's wand in Ginny's hands and Ginny grinning, twirling her wand in her hand. "Easy." I gasped, "You just used a dark spell on your brother?" She shrugged, "Yeah."

Pansy ran over to Weasel. "Pansy!?" I yelled. She glared at me, "What, Malfoy?" I glared at her, "What are you doing, you don't even like Weasel!" She glared, "No! But I absolutely hate mudbloods." She gestured to Hermione.

I tried to distract her. "Look." I pointed to the ceiling, stupidly, she looked up. "Petrificus Totalus!" She glared at me just before the spell hit her, she knew what I did. And she wasn't happy.

I looked down at Hermione, "Hermione?" She gasped, "I really hate that spell." I laughed.

"Can you heal Ron?" She asked. I gawked at her, "Are you serious? He just tried to kill you?" She nodded, "I don't care. He's still my friend." I groaned and nodded my head at Ginny. Bloody Gryffindors. She groaned and stomped over to him, "What's the spell?" I sighed, "Vulnera Sanentur."

I looked down at Hermione, "You know, sometimes you're extremely frustrating." She laughed weakly, "I try." I roll my eyes.

"Alright, let's go to the Hospital Wing." Ginny said, dragging her brother by his foot. I picked Hermione up Wedding style. I saw Pansy floating in the air. "I love you." I said, smiling down at Hermione. She laughed, "I love you too."

I glared at the lifeless body of Weasel, "Back off Weasel, she's mine."


Aww. Long chapter. 1700 words. You're welcome

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