Letter 16

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When you were on stage next to me it was like finally everything was falling into place perfectly for us.

We had it all in that moment. Music, happiness, love. 

And I thought throughout our whole set if all of our past mistakes and everything we've been through has led us to here. If maybe we had to be put through hell so we could appreciate every good thing that will ever come our way from now on. 

I want to believe that so badly, Stel. That we have paid our dues and we are home free for the rest of our lives. But in the back of my mind I know it won't be easy like that.

We will fight and cry and slam doors, but as long as we end up every night sharing our bed, we'll be fine. We can make it though anything. I've always believed that. 

I'm so thankful everyday that you found me sitting alone in the cafeteria in 2nd grade, and invited me to sit with you and Perry. Who knew that would be the start of this whole entire journey? 

I know it hasn't been long since you've been here permanently but I can't help but feel a bit homesick for the town we blamed everything on. 

Can a town really hurt and destroy people in it's wake? Or do we choose to be better than those that came before us? I think we do. 

I think that place we wanted so badly to escape from is always going to be this huge part of us and that's okay. Those broken down shutters, single wide trailers, and cigarette smoke filled homes sparked this fire in all of us to dream, to take this giant leap, and to fight for what we want.

I want to teach Girl Perry (I can't believe we are really calling her that. Even jokingly) everything we've learned from growing up like that. I want her to know that dreams don't have to only be fairytales and out of reach ambitions. That dreams come true and you can look at us as proof. 



Two more letters and two more chapters to go :( 

So I guess we'll be done on Thursday :O 

I'm going to miss Rory, Stella, and Perry!

Thanks for reading/voting/commenting <3

I'd love if you guys could check out the one-shot I wrote for a contest called Eternal Winter!



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