Don't fuck with me, these sequins already make things bad enough

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A/n: This chapter is gonna be focused around Mullette because I feel like it would take a few classes or whatever before Hammy or TJeffs saw the video.


"You're late," John Adams, the history teacher, said when Alexander walked through the door. "Hey at least I showed up. The guy I was with definitely knew how to kiss, that's for sure," he said as he walked up to his seat in the back next to Lafayette who was sitting next to Hercules. The first thing he noticed was that Lafayette looked distressed. Like really distressed. The second thing he noticed was that John Laurens wasn't there. It always concerned Alexander whenever John didn't show up for two reasons. One was that his dad, Henry Laurens, was extremely abusive, and secondly, John was suicidal. John thought he had covered up the scars on his arms, but Alexander saw them. He didn't tell anyone but he did confront him and that ended with them both eating straight out of a massive tub of chocolate ice cream. Deciding not to bring it up because he knew his friends would pester him into telling them why he was so concerned, he brought up the subject of the way Lafayette looked. He was in his cheerleading outfit which wasn't odd for him to do since he had practice right after history but he looked a bit flushed and his hair was frazzled. Not like sex hair frazzled, more like stressed frazzled and he was refusing to look at Hercules. "Hey Laf, are you okay?" Alex asked tentatively. "Oh, ah, yes mon ami..." Lafayette trailed off but something in his eyes made Alexander. not believe him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hercules' hand slip under Lafayette's skirt. "Daddy!" Lafayette squeaked loudly at Hercules but turned bright red and tried to hide behind Alexander when he processed what he just said. One of Hercules' friends on the football team with him just slowly turned around to look at Lafayette. "Sweet Jesus, Lafayette. why the fuck would you call our quarterback 'daddy'?!" he asked. In response Lafayette didn't say anything but the bell rang so he dragged Hercules out of the classroom faster than he should. Alexander let out a short laugh and chased after them. about halfway down the hallway, he was stopped by someone grabbing his arm and holding him back. He turned around to see Thomas standing there looking like he had been crying. "What the fuck do you want?" Alex asked harshly to cover up the fact that he cared a lot. he always told himself to not get attached to people because that's how you get hurt. "We have a big problem," Thomas said as he held up his phone to let Alexander see what he had been crying about.

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