chapter 5; 1st test

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I had packed all my clothes, stuffed animals, book, and anything alse I had. Sheldon wouldn't tall me where he was taking me to or what we were going to do and he wouldn't answer any of my questions.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Just wait."

Jace and Blake were sitting on the backseats being really quiet. I had forgotten they were there. I was sitting in the front with Sheldon.

"We're here." Sheldon finally said. We had entered some apartment biuldings.

"You live here?" I asked him looking at the white apartments in front of us.

"We live here." He replied.

"Oh my shit!" Jace screamed like a girl. "We're going to live with a girl!"

"Wait! I'm going to live there?" I said pointing at the apartments. "With guys? I'm going to be the only girl there?"

"Yeah. And you're quitting school." Jace replied.

"I'm what?" I was quitting school? Why?

"He's right. You have to quit school or when you're just going to dissapear."

I didn't want to quit school. I wanted to go to college and get an amazing job just like any one else. I would also have to leave my friends that I have known since pre-K. It almost felt like moving to another place. But I wasn't moving to another place to go to a different school and make new friends. I was going to be a shadow person.

"You'll only go to school on monday. I'll fix the whole school thing. Tell your friends that you're moving to a private school or something." Sheldon said.

So the next day was monday. Sheldon drove me to school that morning. Jace and Blake followed me to school as shadows of course. I went to all my clases while Sheldon fixed the whole school thing. I did as Sheldon told me and told my friends that I was going to a private school. As friends always do, they asked for my email and phone number. I gave them my email but no phone number.

That monday Sheldon picked me up. I went straight to my room and took out my homework. I wouldn't need to do this, right? I wouldn't need to learn anymore. Blake apeared behind me and took the homework from my hands. I turned to look at him and he ripped it in half.

"You din't need this anymore." He said.

"I know." I sighed.

"No more school!" Sheldon screamed from the living room.

I walked out my room and towards the living room. Sheldon was peacefully reading a book on his gray sofa while Jace was sitting next to him eating chocolate ice cream.

"Can I talk to my mom?" I asked.

"Umm." He paused to think of it."You're not supposed to anymore."

"What?!" I screamed.

He didn't reply and kept reading. I was getting mad. He still wouldn't answer me so after 2 minutes of waiting for an answer I changed into a shadow form and left. I heard Sheldon tell Jace and Blake not to follow me. I needed to go see my mom. It felt different to not go home to moms warm food and hugs, to not tell her todays story and have her help you with homework you don't understand. It felt different.

It took me some time to get there. It was a sunny day but there were enough shadows for me to hide in and get home. I entered the houseand saw my mom watching an old black and white movie. She didn't look tired or sleepy anymore. She had seen me change from human to shadow before so it wouldn't be a big deal for me to do that right now. Grandma was probably sleeping like she does.

I changed back into human form. She screamed. Mom screamed and grabbed the Bible that was next to her. I wasn't suprised that there would be a bible there, grandma was religious.

She threw the bible at me and screamed, "Get away from me child of the Devil!" I was confused.This was obviously a joke but as soon as the Bible touched me, my stomach started burning. It was a horrible feeling like boiling water being poured on you. It hurt enough for me to fall. What was wrong?

The Bible hitting me and the burning feeling wasn't a suprise, I was warned of that a long time ago, but mom screaming and throwing a Bible at me? What was wrong?

Then she started praying out loud. It hurt me. When I first found out that I was going to be a shadow person Lucifer and Sheldon both told me that any religious thing would end up hurting me like praying or going to church, even holding a Bible or a cross.

"Mom, stop!" I managed to scream through all the pain.

"Mom?" She asked.

"Yeah... Mom."

"I've never had a daughter! Get out1" She screamed.

"Wait! I can show you!"

"I'll give one chance to prove that."

She followed me to her own room keeping a distance between us and a Bible. I walked my way into her walk in closet and she stayed by the door. I remember mom keeping a small box of my picture since I was the only child she had, I was special to her. I grabbed the box from the corner of the closet and put it on top of her bed.

"What's this?" She asked.

"My baby things. Can you please remember?"

I opened the brown box and turned it upside down letting all the things inside it fall on the bed. I grabbed a random picture. She put the Bible aside and grabbed the picture from me.

"I... I don't remember this." She said.

"Look, you're on the picture too. On the left holding the cheese burger." I pointed to the left of the picture where she's taking a bite of the hamburger while I'm on the right of it trying to eat a hamburger.

"You're just trying to fool me! Get out!" She screamed.

"Larry!" I screamed remembering my white chihuahua.

"Larry?" She asked. "How do you know I have a dog named Larry?"

"You bought it for me. Don't you remember?"

"No! Now get out and leave this family alone!"


"Get out!" She screamed. And I did.

I changed into a shadow and left the house. I went back to Sheldon. How could my own mom forget about me? I was so confused. Was this part of turning into one?

~~~ A/N ~~~

  Hi people! So today is valentines day! Yay! Forever alone! Ha... So yeah, I was sitting here on my computer eating chocolate chip cookies because they won't let me eat ice cream :(  anyways! Can I get more people to read this book? Please? Vote? Comment? Thanks! ^.^

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