Chapter 36-Part 1: Stirrings in the Night

Start from the beginning

Verushka almost wished that Cain could see her, but that would have been a foolish desire and she knew better than to court such danger. In any case, he had showed neither hair nor hide since their pall mall game. Verushka wondered where he had disappeared to, not that she cared, but it was purely professional curiosity. It was now her job to know the whereabouts of the ton.

"I am much obliged to you, your Grace. You have been very kind to me during this period of adjustment."

"You know you don't have to address me so formally anymore," Jay advised.

"What shall I call you then?" Verushka queried with a cheeky smirk.

Jay cracked a smile. "Certainly not brethren."

Verushka giggled.

"How about Jacob?" he offered. "Or Jay when it is just us."

"Hmm... Jacob." Verushka tried sounding out the syllables slowly. "Ok then Jacob, shall we head back to face the music of an overcrowded ballroom full of girls who are two thirds of my age trying to snap you up into marriage?"

Jay looked down at her unnerved as she tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow. "What do you mean?" he asked perplexed.

"Oh, surely you know that you are one of the most eligible bachelors this season. I have just been informed of that fact by no less than three ladies in the powder room?" Verushka huffed.

Jay leaned in close to her right ear and whispered. "Surely you have more important information to glean at this time?"

Verushka awarded her brother with an unattractive face. "Well, I can't help what I hear. Trust me, it was not pleasurable for me to have to endure a long winded discussion about what a catch my br-brethren is."

Jay eyed her suspiciously but she rallied quickly before he could question her. "It is really down to you and Cain."

"Cain?" he eyed her warily.

"I mean the Duke of Bexley, and a few other wealthy earls, who in my opinion are not really up to scratch," she amended.

"I suggest you give the Duke of Bexley a wide birth, cousin. He is a profligate rake. You might consider choosing one of those earls. You would now be considered quite a promising match yourself Verushka, and it is my job to ensure your wellbeing in entering into marriage."

"What?" Verushka pulled his arm to a stop in the doorway of the ballroom antechamber.

"Don't say 'what'. Say 'pardon'." Jay advised discreetly.

Verushka had a few other choice words she could have used, courtesy of Liara and the stable hands, but instead she whispered back. "Are you planning on marrying me off?"

Jay's brows furrowed slightly. "Not immediately, but surely you must know that the purpose of a season is to secure your future by marriage, and given your age and presence here it is likely to be a unique opportunity to obtain information."

Verushka mind whirled like soup stirred by an overzealous hand.

Jay bent nearer and patted her arm in what appeared to onlookers as a familial gesture. "Doors may be open to you that would otherwise have been difficult to breech. Consider carefully the power of your new position and dowry, and wield it for the purpose it was intended. Marry well, cousin."

Verushka stared at him gobsmacked. She knew that she was present among the ton to infiltrate their ranks and gain information all while drawing closer to the brother she had never known. But, she never thought that she was being sold off like a lamb at slaughter. Her mouth was still half open when the next of her dance partners stepped forward to spin her into a minuet.

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