I hope he is.


OK, back to my narrative.

I chose to operate on Charlotte.

I couldn't end a life, who am I to play God? I picked up the blade, but my hand was shaking so much...

...Kade burst in at just the right time.

After his initial shock at seeing me with the knife, he switched his attention to The Surgeon.

When she began to describe her evil intention, his face dropped, "Charlotte gave up her womb for you, she forfeited her self so you could achieve full femininity. To compensate, I enhanced her femininity by implanting silicone breasts. You will now slice open her breasts, remove the implants and stitch her back up. The implants will then forcibly be implanted into you! It's all arranged." She laughed, that evil guffaw of hers, "You can't escape The Excelsior Hotel, your father and I have bought it, it belongs to us now, our people..."


While she spoke, kade scanned the room.

He identified the 'Holo-emitter' a small blue sensor flickering in the far corner of the room.

He slammed his foot into it and The Surgeon's hologram fell like an extinguished flame. He floored her – it was the most awesome sight to see her silenced, even though it was only in a digital capacity.

The real thing is still out there – no doubt plotting her revenge.


She was wrong on one thing, Kade and I have escaped The Excelsior Hotel – yee-haa!


Kade started throwing questions at me, but I told him we had to get out – quick.

"We can't leave this girl here," he said.

"We can, she's under a general anesthetic, we can't wake her. My parents people will deal with her," I said, grabbing his jacket and pulling him toward the exit.

I don't think I've ever ran as fast in my life, with Kade hot on my heels, firing constant questions at me, understandably.


I didn't stop until I reached the diner opposite my parent's lair.

That's where I let Kade read my story to answer his questions.

It's also where he wrote the intro above. He said it's his way of committing to being involved; to let you all know he's the real deal.

He went straight back to work. He's ambitious – much.


Kade has the coolest job.

He works as a Junior Creative in a Design Agency that Creates all types of Cell-Phone Apps, like games and stuff. It's his job to help come up with new ideas and then help design and develop them. An impressive position for a nineteen year old.

I'd love to have a job like that. Kade says I still could. But I doubt it – The Surgeon would destroy any career opportunity I had – for sure.

He says I have to start being more optimistic; otherwise I'll be beaten.

I guess he's right


Kade invited me to sleep over in his office (it's not allowed, but he often sleeps under his desk when he's working late.)

I appreciated the offer, but declined. I needed a bed, a good nights sleep. So I stayed in a fleapit and feel a whole lot better this morning.


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