28 | interrogation

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Episode 28:

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E L L I O T T ' S  P O V :

Physics is probably the closest one could get to true hell on Earth. There's just so many things to hate about the subject, I mean – everything. But better than that, I'm paired with someone who goes by the name of Douche  Junior the Third, of Asscrack Island. At least that's what his name was supposed to be when he emerged from the depths of the Earth as a fucking weed to society.

Was that harsh? Sorry, to be rude and all, but I don't give two shits.

One might wonder why I have such a hatred for a kid who's seemingly done nothing to me, but the issue is that he's currently 'dating' the girl I just kissed a few nights ago, and I don't know how to feel about that.

Mainly nauseous.

From what I've seen, all that I can possibly believe about him is that he's nothing but trouble. Every time Fawn sees him, she ends up crying onto my shoulder, or sprinting into her room, sobs barely contained.

Do I know for sure that it's him? No.
But what does she always say when I ask her where she was? Well, that would be:

'Nowhere, just out with a friend'

I'm only going to accept that so many times before I get suspicious. I can still remember her walking back home that night. Bolting to my car, and breaking every boundary we'd ever placed before ourselves because of something that happened between them that night. Something that was far from happy. Something bad.

He has to be the reason. He has to.

And whatever she said about her brother, is a cover up.
I'm convinced that she made it up so she doesn't have to tell me about Lawrence.

I mean, after all the years we've lived in the same building, I've never seen him.
Not, once.

I'm not an idiot.

The bell rings, and it's now officially the passing period before Physics. Walking out the door sluggishly, I get a few intimidated gazes from around the room. It's like I'm sort of social pariah. What I would give to just flip them off right now. I could do it, but that would earn me a detention, and the last thing I want to do is explain to my mother why I earned two detentions in the span of two school days.


Huh? I look around me, but see no one familiar so I keep walking.


I look behind me again, only to be yanked into an empty classroom.

"What the hell! I have to-" my voice is muffled as I struggle to talk through the slender fingers covering my mouth.

"Okay, here's the deal. When I let go of you, you're going to stay right here. You aren't going to speak, you aren't going to say a single word until I ask you, what I need to ask you. Hear me? I'll turn the lights on, once you participate."

The feminine voice comes to conclusive ending before she asks me if I understand. I nod hesitantly before the hand is removed and I can breath again.

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