Chapter 9 - Betrayal of the Best Friend & Boyfriend

Start from the beginning

"What happened last night?" She asked now attempting to comb her hair with her fingers.

"You had too much firewhisky." Draco responded.

"Did anything happen?" asked Alexia, turning away from the mirror to look at Draco.

"If you mean what I think you mean, no. You were all over Warrington for a bit there, and he was enjoying it, but I made sure nothing happened, and somehow I got you out of that expensive outfit and into your night dress." Draco told her.

"Oh thank Merlin," Alexia said exhaling with relief.

Alexia dried her face and hands, then joined Draco sitting on the floor.

"What is that?" She asked, pointing a thin finger towards the far corner of the room where a pink bra laid.

"Oh that would be Lauren's." said Draco casually.

"Lauren as in the Lauren you've had your eye on for ages?"

"Yeah. She probably just wants an excuse to come back." said Draco.

"Or she was in a rush to leave!" Alexia snorted.

Draco rolled his eyes.

"You know," Alexia said, "I'm surprised that you sleep with girls who don't wear silk lingerie."

"Not all girls are rich like us, Al." he said.

Alexia seemed to consider him for a moment before replying. "True," she said, "but all girls, rich or not, should have silk or lace bras and panties." She shrugged.

Draco laughed in amusement.

Alexia gazed up at the high ceiling and the beautiful mermaid in the stained glass window. She admired how the light shone through the frosted glass, creating shimmering swirls, making the bathroom feel like a small sea in the late autumn morning. The gleaming granite floor, the fluffy towels folded neatly in a wicker basket, and the huge sunken bath with hundreds of taps were some of the perks of being a prefect, and Alexia was very envious because of this. The bathroom was much nicer and airy compared to the regular bathrooms she was stuck using; they were usually grimy, busy and untidy, very much to her disliking. At the thought of being a Prefect, the thought of Pansy Parkinson came to her mind, and then finally for the first time that morning, she let herself remember what really had happened the night before:

Like a horror movie, it played in her mind, as if her brain was unable to let the words and images go. She pictured Pansy and Blaise giggling as they found an empty niche behind a banner in the castle, and then she pictured them violently kissing... Alexia felt sick and forced the images out of her head. Why was she so stupid to think she loved Blaise? Why was she so foolish to trust Pansy had told her everything and believed she was her best friend? It was as if lead was flowing through her veins instead of blood. Her once happy memories of the two now felt as if they were wrecked and transfigured into something repulsively ugly. She thought that today would be a new start for her and Blaise; full of promise and freshness to come. Now, the morning sat like a cold cup of tea waiting to be drained away.

"I think one of the worst things is finding out that you don't mean as much to someone as you thought you did." Alexia finally said. She felt a cold and lonely tear trickle down her face and she wiped it away quickly with a shaky hand.

"He was a git for doing what he did," Draco said as he watched another tear fall from her shining, blue-green eyes, followed by another, then another, until a steady flow of tears descended down her cheek.

"How do you know what he did?" She asked, her voice cracking and unsteady.

Draco paused before he answered, he felt guilty that he had know all along and left Alexia with absolutely no idea of what Blaise and Pansy had done. "I saw them leave together that night..." He quietly said.

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