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6666 ranch
Becky's house

I currently sat with my new braille bible reading it the best I could after learning how to read it. I'm trying to read it cover to cover in Braille. So far I've gotten to Leviticus 5. After Riley gave it to me last night I've been able to read God's word more easily. The front door opened from behind me. I turned my head to the door. "How are you this morning punpkin?" Riley asked me. "Good." I replied. "How far have you gotten in your new bible?" He asked.

"Leviticus." I said. "Third book, not too bad." He said. "If you read at least two or three books a day you'd be able to read it within two months." He added. "If only it was that simple." I said. The couch dipped next to me. "Maybe three months." He said. "How bout a year." I said. "I know you can do it within a year." He said. I leaned against his arm. "I've got some news for you." He said. "What is it?" I asked.

"I've been doing a little research on if you'll ever be able to see again and found a doctor who has done this surgery on people that have lost their vision due to incidents like yours. It'll be a long surgery and a long recovery but I think it's what you want. And if it doesn't work then I'll do more research and see if there's something better than that. I'll pay for it. Trust me I want you to see as badly as you do." He said. "I don't know. Risking my eyes and self just so I could possibly see. The doctor said I may never see again." I said.

"The key word in that was may. You may be able to see after this surgery or after more than one. Or this doctor might do one at one point and wait a few months before seeing if you can actually see." He said. He pulled me onto his lap. "I don't know about it." I said. He kissed my forehead. "They'll check your eyes thoroughly and see if they are able to do it first before actually performing it." He added.

I buried my head in the crook of his neck. "Are you sure this might help?" I asked. "If your able to see light after the first surgery that will be a step in the right direction. And possibly a second one if needed." He answered. "Where exactly is this doctor?" I asked. "He's in New York. I'll go with you. Barrow will be going also. I called them and asked if seeing eye animals were accepted there. They told me that patients going in usually have them. I even looked up to see if he can go on the plane. They only allow seeing eye dogs on planes still." He said.

"I'll try it if it's a chance to see again." I said. He kissed me. "We can leave when ever your ready. I'll just have to let my parents know I'll be gone for a few days with you. I told them all of this before coming here." He said. I nodded. "Ok." I said. "How about we go out to eat tonight then come back and cuddle." He said. "Sounds like a plan." I said. He kissed my forehead before setting me back on the couch.

He got up and I heard him walk away from me before the door opened and closed. I continued reading my bible still thinking about what Riley had said. I finally closed my bible after putting the place marker in. Then got up and almost knocked the lamp over. "Poo. I really need my eyes back." I said to no one in particular. I felt Barrow nudge me. I took the scarf around his neck in my hand and twisted it. He started walking. "Kitchen." I told him. He turned to the left.

Once we reached the doorway he nickered. I took the doorframe in my hands and found my way around. I got a drink then went back into the living room. Barrow nudged me. I grabbed his harness and put it on him. He led me somewhere. I kicked my boots. Then put them on and my jacket. Barrow opened the front door leading me out. I closed the door behind me and let him lead me. Horses whinnying and nickering filled my ears. We're in the stable.

He led me down the isle. The familiar nicker of Cal was right in front of me. I reached out and scratched him. He rubbed his head against me. I kissed him muzzle before continuing to walk down the isle. I put two fillies on leads and took them outside to the paddock. Two by two I led the fillies and mares out. The more I thought about what Riley said the more I wanted to see for myself if it worked. I pressed the home key on my iPhone and held it until I heard the Siri go on.

"Call Riley." I said. "Calling Riley." It said back. I put the phone up to my ear as I set the last two mares free in the paddock. It rang twice before he picked up. "Yes punkin?" He asked.

"How soon can we leave?" I asked.

"How fast can you pack?" He asked.

"That I'm going to need help with." I said.

"I'll let my parents know and come and get you. Have a bag big enough for at least a month to two months worth of clothes on the bed." He said.

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