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Hospital Riley

The doctor said she should be waking up soon. Both of my parents let me stay in her room to wait for her to wake up all day. Nurses came in and out of her room all day long. It was about time for visiting hours to be over with.

I kissed her hand once more before a nurse came in. She told me visiting hours were over. Same thing for the past two days. I hoped the third she would have woken up.

Her hand moved when I set it down she then turned onto her side facing me. "Becky?" I said. She lifted her eyelids and looked confused. "The swellings gone but there was too much damage to the eyes for them to be saved." The nurse said.

I picked her hand up. "Becky?" I said again.

Hospital Becky

I tried to see Riley's face knowing he was somewhere in front of me. "Are my eyes open?" I asked with a hoarse voice. "They are sweetheart. You just can't use them for a while." He told me. I frowned.

"When can I go home?" I asked. "At the end of the week." The same female voice from earlier said. "How will I be able to train my colts?" I asked.

"Raely doesn't have any at the moment so she could help you out. If this is permanent you will be qualified for a seeing eye animal." Riley said. I nodded. "I'll be back tomorrow to see how your doing. Ok?" He said.

I nodded. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow." I said. He hugged me before I heard the door close. The room was quiet. I didn't like this. I couldn't see, it scared me. I really needed to use the bathroom but I couldn't find my way.

The door opened again. "Hello Becky do you need to use the restroom?" Another female voice said. I nodded. I felt a hand and stood up. She led me to the restroom and showed me where the toilet was. I heard retreating footsteps before I did my business.

I flushed then found the sink and washed my hands. The door opened and the same person led me back to the bed. The door opened then closed. "Here's some food." Another voice said.

All I could do was hear and feel. I didn't like this. I don't want these nurses here I want Riley here. He would have been more attentive and I could talk with him more than these nurses.

After I ate a nurse showed me which button was the call if I needed anything including going to the bathroom. I laid there close to crying because I didn't want this darkness. I wanted to be able to see my horses and those around me.

I fell asleep tears still falling.

I woke up when the door opened. Boots told me it wasn't a nurse. I felt someone kiss my forehead. "How'd you sleep last night?" Riley's voice filled the silence. "Terrible." I told him.

"Need anything?" He asked. "Could you lead me to the bathroom?" I asked standing. He took my hand leading the way. Once he showed me where the door was I closed it and felt my way to the toilet.

After doing my business I washed my hands and opened the door. A larger hand engulfed mine leading me back to the bed. He helped me sit on the bed before sitting next to me.

"Hungry?" He asked. "Yeah. The food here is only good enough to keep someone alive and is nasty." I said. There was a rusting sound before I felt something on my hand. I gripped whatever it was.

"Go ahead and eat." He said. I took a bite and enjoyed it. "This is good." I said. "My mom made three meals for you. I ate breakfast before coming but she made the both of us lunch and you dinner." He said.

"Would it be too much trouble for you to stay the night until they let me out?" I asked him. "Why do I let you be more independent than they do?" He asked. "For one a nurse showed me where the toilet was and I don't even know if she left the bathroom. Then another brought me food and showed me where the call button was. I still don't know which it is." I told him.

"Your going to need a set of eyes to help you out more than they realize it." He said. I scooted over and laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me.

"I'll help you out today and hopefully at night." He said. The door opened and my head shot up looking at it. "Morning Ms. Vearwood how are you this morning?" A male voice said.

"Good." I said. "How did last night go?" The male voice said. "Stressful." I answered. "I understand that. And your friend here?" He asked. "I was the one coming to visit her before she woke up." I heard Riley say.

"I assume you'd help her better since most of the nurses are busy?" The male voice said. "If you don't mind."

"Not at all. It would also help at night. You'd be easier for her to be around and she trusts you better than anyone here." The male voice said. "I was about to ask if I could stay at night since last night was the way it was." Riley said.

"Let's check your vitals real quick before we check your eyes." He said. I felt Riley's hand close around mine intertwining our fingers. I calmed down long enough for my heart rate and breathing to be checked.

"Alright do you want to walk there or ride?" The male voice said. "Can I walk to stretch my legs?" I asked. I felt Riley stand before helping me stand.

He held out his elbow allowing me to hold it while he led me. We reached the examination room and he showed me where the chair was. I sat down knowing Riley was nearby.

After my eyes were examined Riley led me back to my room. "I don't like not being able to see." I told him. "I know. I hope it's temporary. We all do." He said before kissing my forehead.

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