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I kicked my truck into four wheel drive as it spun on the ice. It finally started moving along the icy driveway. Once I passed Riley's house it spun trying to get traction.

I felt it dig in and tear out of the small drive. Least there's ruts now. I reached the outer gates and left going back to my old house for more.

The highway was clear as it was when there was no snow on the ground. A group of men were standing outside the feed store. I passed the group and continued to the house.

Once there I got out and went for the rest of my clothes. After my backseat and passenger seat was filled I went to the barn to make sure I didn't leave anything.

After that I locked it up and saw a truck pull in. I locked the house up after grabbing the blankets and such. My parents would be here in a few days to pay me for the house and take it off my hands.

It was my ex. What does he want with me?

"Selling it?" He asked. "To my parents." I said. "It's a shame. It could have been a nice sell. You could have done what you wanted to in high school and rodeo." He said leaning against his truck.

"And yet I'm breeding and selling horses and cattle to top rodeo professionals. Especially my colts. No one has been able to match the price to the horse." I told him.

"So who was that guy that was asking around about you?" He asked. "A friend." I told him. "So you didn't make him childless yet?" He asked trying to play a smile.

"He's not as irritating as you were." I said getting in my truck. I backed up almost hitting his truck and drove away from the house. I'll never forget what he did senior year.

Once I got back to the ranch I quickly unpacked my truck and grabbed the lunge line. I picked out two colts and started working with them. Once they were great with the lines I used a light sand bag and draped it on one while the other waited his turn.

Most sell at age one so I had to get them worked with. My cell phone rang. I picked it up. "Hello?"
"Hello is this Becky Vearwood?" A lady asked.
"This is she." I answered.
"I was hoping to buy one of your trained colts. He has to be bit and saddle trained we can do the rest." She explained.
"Alright. Could I call you back? I'm in the middle of working with two at the moment." I said.
"Sure no problem. We're going to be in Lubbock next month so I was hoping to stop by and see if we could purchase one." She told me.
"Alright I'll call you back once I get a chance." I told the lady.

She hung up and I got back to work. Once he was tired I worked with the other one. After he got tired I walked them up and down the drive with pony bridles on.

These two have been my main focus since they turned six months. Their Blizzard's two from last year. She was a top notch barrel horse before an injury and her previous owners had to sell her.

I blanketed the colts and put them in their stalls before leading the four fillies down the drive and back. I'll show them before selling or adding them to my brood mares.

I put them up and let my mares out with the fillies. Then saddled Caliber and took him for a ride. We started for the end of the drive next to Riley's house.

Caliber snorted before I saw Riley coming down the drive in a ranch truck. I pulled Caliber over to the side. "Giving him some exercise?" He asked. "Had to. Then I'm going to put him back in his stall." I said.

"I'll meet you there then." He said before rolling the window up and driving to the stables. I continued my ride to the end and back. Once there I dismounted and loosened his girth.

I dropped his reins and walked into the stable. Riley was petting one of the colts. I took the saddle off Caliber then put his halter back on. I brushed him out as another truck pulled up.

Riley moved past Cal and I going outside. I finished with him and put him in his stall. He nickered knowing I carried sugar cubes. I gave him one before going into the small office.

I wrote down the number of the lady and the two colts I had to work with especially since they were close enough. Then called her back.

After a long conversation of what she wanted the colt for I knew which one was better for them but decided to train them both.

I went back out the them. Riley was now leading an older man down the isle. I got the two and brushed them out to keep them use to the brushing.

"Are these the two your working with?" The man asked. "Yes sir. And their lined up to be viewed in a month." I said. "I heard your selling a gelding. Is he any good?" He asked.

"Yes sir. He's a retired cutting horse. I used him for pleasure and cattle wrangling." I answered moving to the other colt. "Mind if I take a look at him?" He asked. "Not at all. Very last stall on the right." I said.

He nodded before walking back. "He's been looking for a good cattle horse. I know he's a great guy and will take care of the boy." Riley said leaning on the stall door.

"So who's coming to look at them?" He asked. "No clue I told her I'd meet her there at fairgrounds there in Lubbock." I said finishing the second one.

"If you need any help training these colts my wife would be glad to help out." The man said. "Thanks but no thanks I train them to a certain point before their able to be sold." I said.

"Well if you do just ask for Raely Long." He said. "I appreciate it." "I'll talk to my wife tonight and be back over tomorrow if she agrees." He said before leaving.

I exited the stall and was tailed by Riley to the house. "Are you settled in?" He asked. "Yup." I answered. "That's good to hear. Let me know if you need anything." He said before going to his truck.

"I will." I yelled before he got in.

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