The Obvious Feeling

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Oddly enough, things were starting to turn out great for the both of us. Me, trying to stop myself from embarassment and him, finding us a way out of some root crop maze.

The first one was sarcasm, if you didn't get it.

You see, we were basically stuck in the endless maze of a crazy town which had a name that made you want to never come back again. Because, someone was driving and navigating the map at the same time.

He had trust issues when he has no choice.

"This is all your fault, that my stomach is eating its way out of starvation." I complain beside him. Rubbing circles on my abdomen, eyeing the way he bites his lip.

Since we had a pit-stop before we got here. We were freshly clothed and showered, thanks to the motel.

Though, it didn't helped when his body is close to mine. His scent overfilled my nostrils, reminding me of its woodsy and his own kind of smell.

God! This was torture for my poor thumping heart.

"But, it wasn't me who yelled at an "imaginary" panther hours ago." He snickers, our arms slightly brushing against each other when the trail was getting narrow.

"Now, you're pinning the blame on me!" I ignore the fact that his breath was fanning my neck.

"You misinterpret my words." He feigns hurt.

"I don't care."

Picking up more speed. I have to stop this or else this 'crush' faze would get worse.

"Hey! Wait up. Don't leave me!" He shouts, making me stop on my tracks.

How can my heart possibly not force me when he wanted me not leave him?

I have it real bad.

"Hurry up." I mutter out loud, sensing my sour mood. Carter picked up his pace and almost tripped.

We decided to stay quiet the whole time. Not one of us spoke a word about the disagreement a while ago. It was reassuring that we didn't. I didn't notice my surroundings when Carter held my arm back. Making my shoulder brush against his.

"What are yo-"

"There's a house that leads to this trail." He speaks up, following his gaze on the said trail.

I nod but he continued to drag me not by the arm but my hand. I tried to ignore. I did but how can I not.

The tingles are so damn obvious. He didn't mind though. He didn't care.

He just wanted to know, to find out about the house. It peaked his interest.

Lucky house, I sneered.

My eyes wander to its dusty windows, the hammock that was hanging still, the chimney that was blowing grey smokes, the-

Wait a minute!

I tugged Carter's shirt making him look at me in confusion. I pointed at the chimney and his eyes went wide in alarm.

We knew what was happening.


" guys just came out of the corn maze?" Bryan asked bewildered, his golden skin was highlighted by the afternoon sun.

Did I mention that he was shirtless and sweat was dripping along his bare chest which had like six packs of yeah you get my point?

I wasn't looking though. I was barely even listening to their conversation. I couldn't get my head out of the gutter when my hand was still wrapped around Carter's. It made me feel jittery and I'm confident that it's starting to get clamy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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