Roadtrip To Nowhere

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Do you remember Peter Pan? The dude who wears a green shirt, green leggings, green boots, and a green hat that had a red feather on the side. Actually, he believed that children weren't supposed to grow up. So, he decided to fly around London and save those boys who were aboned by their parents which he calls them as The Lost Boys.

One night, he met Wendy and you know how it ends happily ever after.

"You're making that face again." He points out, looking straight ahead from the driver's seat.

I threw the fairytale book at the backseat which is where I found it laying beside some clothes and beverages.

"What face?" I caught a glimpse of him smiling.

"The one where you scrunch up your eyebrows like your in deep thought and breathe out angrily." He describes like he knew me so well. Which he does and I hate that he does.

"Whatever." I dismiss, my eyes on the car's window. It was still afternoon and we were driving out of Washington Street because he decided that we should stay away from the city as soon as possible.

"Stop doing that." He runs a hand through his hair frustratingly. He glances at me from time to time seeing as I wasn't replying.

"Stop masking your emotions Kaitlyn." It was the first time I heard him say my name. Suprisingly, it rolls out of his tongue smoothly.

"You're not the boss of me." I snap back which was so unlike me. I didn't want to be with him here in his stupid black jeep. It reminded me of memories.

Memories when we still knew each other and not act like he didn't leave like so many years ago without a damn reason or goodbye.

His faced showed guilt at the same time he tries to conjur up a civil conversation.

"I just-" He begans but I halt him with my hand.

"Stop the car West." I mutter under my breath. He knew that whenever I say his last name it means that I'm being serious.

"No." He replies in a steady tone.

Why does he have to be difficult? I cross my arms and groaned in aggreviation.

"Why do you suddenly want to take me out of God knows where?" I query, my vision on the dark lone road ahead of me.

"Because I need you to do something with me." He shortly explains.

"What the heck does that mean exactly?" I take his explanation in a suspicious way.

He understood what I meant, " didn't mean it in that way." I could see his face warm up while he uncomfortably coughs.

" It's just that you have to be there with me when it happens. I know about the apocalypse you don't have to tell me."

"Okay." That was what came out of my mouth. Maybe, this trip would turn out well on the brighter side. Without clothes, food, and toiletries we were going to be okay.

Cue the sarcasm right there.


The horn of his car kept beeping me to get in before he leaves me behind alone in a rusty gas station in a now abondoned store.

I was still debating on the donuts or junkfood or pizza. It was all deserving to be in my belly. Ah who cares! I'll pick all of them and so I did.

Grabbing a paper bag from the counter I put it all in and placed a dollar on the tip jar. I push the doors of the store using my back and tripped along the way because their were some pebbles out to get me.

They hate me.

"Can you walk any faster than that?" Mr. Burglar a.k.a West is beeping a hundred times, already impatient than ever.

"Yeah, I can." I grin enthusiastically and slow down my pace.

He fumes which make me laugh,"Don't make me carry you again Kaitlyn!?" He barks like the impatient baby he is.

"Oh no! I'm so scared." I wiggle my legs like their jelly and shook my shoulders for more dramatic effect.

"Gaaaah! I can't even win an argument with you." His shoulders slump when I finally open the passenger door.

I chuckled because that's what I do when I win and make him breathe out fire. It was like the old times. I almost forgot that I was still mad at him for leaving.

He noticed the atmosphere changed and spoke up." I'm sorry." He apologizes.

He freaking apologized. I think I need a minute to take this realization all in. Is West finally going soft on me?

"Yeah, okay."

"I mean it Kaitlyn. I've been real shitty, excuse me for my foul language, but I wasn't there for you and I just left like no goodbyes or anything." I was caught off guard when he cursed but he rarely did it. Without hesitation, I felt his hand squeezed mine.

I gulped trying to form words in my mind." Atleast you apologized and I'm pretty sure I was at fault too. You see, I also haven't tried to contact you." His hand felt warm around mine and it was getting me too feel quite an uneasy feeling in the bottom of my stomach.

The wall between us was breaking bit by bit when we were smiling at each other. Their was peace again. Their were no grudges anymore.

"Friends." He offers looking back at the road then at me. The dimpled smile was there.

A genuine smile on my lips when I  feelt goofy all of a sudden." Friends."

Let's see where this all leads to. I look out the window, watching the endless trees. I got to admit that this guy right here beside me could get the best and worst of me.

Third chapter updated hehe sorry for the long wait. I was just searching for ideas.

So tell me, how was it? Comment if you want to suggesting anything. Vote if you want to. ^_^

Have an awesome day or afternoon or night! Hahaha

Only yours,

Captured by HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora