Unaware of Everything (Special Chapter)

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The night sky was getting darker by the minute. Contrasting different colors, raging from orange, pink, and purple. It was a gorgeous sight to behold.

I kept glancing at her from my side of the bench. She was silent the whole time when we left the ferris wheel. I wasn't used to her being quiet. It was weird but in a good way weird.

"Wazzup?" I ask before I could register anything and quickly punched myself for being a jerk.

God! What the f*ck?! The first thing I say is "wazzup?" like it was a smart thing to say to a girl who clearly wants to cry right in an instant.

I dreaded her reply and closed my eyes, waiting for her to kick me in the *you know*.

"I'm fine." She finally says, looking right back at me in a unknown expression.

Hallelujah!! I'm not going to be a non-fertile man.

With sneaky glances I try to cover up my stupid question, "You don't have to be afraid of telling me anything. As you can see, I'm really not going anywhere." I smoothly spoke.

She was smiling again. That smile of hers! It's hard to explain whenever she does it but all I can add is a warm feeling shooting right up my chest. It was satisfying.

"Of course, you don't." She rolls her eyes. Her shoulder laid back and faint lines of concern were gone on her beautiful face.

I gesture my hand towards her, so she could elaborate on what was going on in the little hot headed head of hers.

"Please, don't judge me on this?" Kaitlyn queries innocently. I'm grateful that she's starting to open up to me in a none forceful way.

"Sure. I mean, yeah." I was stumbling on my words again like a boy whose about to know if his crush likes him or not.

"Here it goes..." she began, her voice getting softer. "I have a bipolar attitude." She heaves a breath out.

I wasn't shocked because she always has been bipolar even if I was being nice to her.

Kaitlyn stared at me for minutes, probably waiting for me to say something.

"Your not getting it." Her head shook violently.

"Its a disorder, Carter." After my name came out of her plump lips, my brain stopped functioning then again she also mentioned it was actually a disorder.

Couldn't I be more dumb than I was before?

"Sorry." I say, leaning in to grab her hand in comfort which she didn't mind.

"No...it's okay." She grins, but to tightly. "Funny things is. I have had it since you left." She fake laughs. Her eyes warily glances at me to see my reaction but I remained calm.

She definitely didn't blame me for having it, that is what I'm sure of. Yet, then again, I could've stopped it from triggering her health.

"Is is getting worse?"

She sighs, "Maybe or maybe not. The doctors just give me prescriptions and run tests every now and then."

"This is all my fault." I smirk distastefully.

"No, it's not." She denies.

"I had the chance to not leave you." My eyes pierced through hers.

"Don't blame yourself. Things happen. That's life for you, Carter."

"Okay." I cut a short answer. Since, I can't do anything anymore. It's already there might as well help her go through it.

"Do your friends know about this?"

Her face dims, "I don't have any."

"I'm sorry."

"Stop feeling sorry for me, okay!" She snaps, her teeth grits in anger. Without second thoughts, she threw the cotton candy stick and walks away in long strides. I stand rooted on the ground, my minds was blank.


An hour went by and she didn't come back. I'm hoping she does, but you can't predict anything you want. I stand up, hanging my hoodie over my head, and bury my hands into my pockets.

On the way to my vehicle, I noticed a shadow, more of a human figure. It was...eating? That's Kaitlyn, alright. I avoided her seeing me coming so I went in the back.

I fished out my keys from my jacket but it wasn't there. I checked my other pockets and no sign of keys. I leaned towards my car, and groaned.

I found a gorgeous girl who was holding my keys inside and grinning from ear to ear in a cunning manner. She mouths, "Come and get it."

I slammed my fist on the roof of the car, " Really Kaitlyn? We have to go."

She bats her eyelashes mocking my pissed expression. "What? Can't hear you?" Her hand cups her ears.

I twist my back to her and slid against the door of the car, running a hand through my dark chocolate hair. I needed a shower, I thought to myself. The strands were sticking with each other. And my shirt? I took fist full of it and sniffed. Yeah, a long long long cold shower with lots of deoderant.

This is going to be one long night.


"You say I'm crazy-"

"Which you are." I cut her singing off. The window was a centimeter open which is why I could hear her. Still...my hand won't fit through it, obviously.

"But, you don't think I know what you've done." She sings and rolls her eyes when she caught me attempting to throw a rock at the window. Which backfired, since I forgot that I had it made to rubber so it won't easily be broken and robbed from the inside.

I held my swollen eye because of that. "Get your head in the game." I mumble to myself in determination. That sounded more like Highschool Musical to me.

This is all Kaitlyn's fault for forcing me to watch it a hundred times with her. It basically scarred my puberscent life.

"Cause when you call me baby, I know I'm not the only one." That would sting if she was mine. Which she's not. I'm not implying that I don't want her to be. Life is complicated. I'll just shut my mind off before I get too honest here.

And that is how a boy's mind work. Completely. Complicated.

I shiver, as the wind blows pass me. Was it me or did I just hear a wolf howl?


By the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!? *poorly throws a confetti on you*

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Only yours,

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