Chapter 15. Intimate Note Part Four

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Stagehand's POV  *picture of stagehand on side*

It was time to start the Beauty Pageant and Eunhyuk. Kangin, Sungmin, and Heechul-hyungs were already in line waiting to be called out. But...that one other person. I think it was a girl... She didn't show up yet... I hope she shows up soon. This episode of Intimate Note is the one my boss is watching... My raise and promotion depends on this...

I take a look at the...beautiful...contestants... All four of them looked around a lot. Over their shoulders, around backstage, asking others if they've seen their friend. Seems like even they don't know what's taking their pal so long to get ready. But hey, she's a girl. Women take forever to get ready... Not that I would eever know... I'm as single as a old maid with 20 cats... And I'm only 20 years old...

I let out a sigh... Whether this girl was going to show up or not, this show is going to start. With or without her.

I walk over to the hyungs to give them their instructions.

"After the mC hyungs give out their introduction, you will have to wait here until they call out your name or 'stage name' since this is, after all, fake. Wait and stay in a line until your name is called, arasso?" They nod and I go back to where my original standing was to supervise. I exhale.

3...2...1...And the show begins...

Zhou Mi's POV

I could've just stood there like a babo, staring at Minae. And I would've been fine with it, because it'd be something I could never regret. She looked like a painting come to life. She was literally glowing.

She had on burgundy eyeliner that was peaking out from behind this thick mass of black lashes that could be visible from two or three blocks away. There was a slight hint of white eye shadow on the inner corners of her eyes where the tear ducts were. Her cheeks looked as if they were blushing; they were a rosy pink color. And her lips...her lips looked full and soft. It was a blush pink color and looked as if it be forbidden to touch them. No matter how much a person would want to. And in that very moment...I really wanted to...

Minae's hair was long and loose around her shoulders and was slightly curled and wavy. There was a dusty pink lotus flower hair accessory adorning her hair and it was on the side of her right eye. She wasn't wearing much jewelry besides small pearl earrings.

She got up from her chair and started to walk towards me. The stylist noona gave her strappy red heels. Whether it was on purpose or not, Minae's hips were swaying and it was moving to a rhythm that I couldn't bear to not see.

I was still in a daze until the noona who was still in the room snapped, the sound was sharp and loud. My eyes came into focus...but at the wrong moment... Minae's face was only two inches from mine. Even with heels on, the tip of her head came only up to my neck so she was looking up at me with her big chocolate brown eyes that were framed by long black lashes. I could feel my face becoming hot and turning red. Being flustered I stumbled backwards until my back hit the door making a loud THUD.

Minae was still looking at me like that. Like she was confused or puzzled.

So cute...

"Oppa, are you alright? You don't seem to be feeling well..." she says. I never noticed before...but her voice sounded clear and had an accent... I would guess that would happen to a person for living in London for a really long time. Her voice sounded feminine but had a strong undertone. Each letter formed by her lips sounded as if it was a note on a piano and a whole sentence would sound like a melody of notes. Joining together to create a beautiful harmony...

Minae...Why haven't I noticed your beauty before?

My eyes came into focus again and I saw Minae's hand outstretched to help me up. I smile before putting my large hand into her small ones and I could swear I felt a small tingle of electricity. Or maybe it was static... Anyways, I let her try to pick me up. TRY... She struggled...A LOT. I'm not that heavy, but apparently to Minae I weighed about as much as two sumo wrestlers in one diaper that was filled with cement blocks. I laugh before standing up by myself. I smirk at Minae and she rolls her eyes before smiling like a buffoon. I smile back at her. I hear someone clear their throat.

*AHEM* I look to see the noona with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. What was wrong?

"If you two are done 'fraternizing', Minae is due on stage in, about, two minutes," she says in a no nonsense tone. My eyes widen. TWO MINUTES?? I look over at Minae to see her own eyes widen as big as dinner plates.

I grab her hand and open the door and sprint in one swift movement. But the noona gave Minae something just before we ran out of the room like it was on fire.

Stagehand's POV

Where is that girl?? Heechul-hyung just went up on set already and her name is about to be called on!!

Just then, in the middle of my internal rant, I see two people running towards me. I think it was a rather tall man and a girl. Hopefully it was this Minae character... They ran rather quickly and in almost no time at all they sprinted past me and the man and girl separated. The man went to off backstage and the girl was just getting breath back while calmly waiting next to the stage set. I took a look at her.

She was absolutely beautiful... She had long, dark brown hair and porcelain skin. Her dress was a bit short but her legs were long. She had a paper umbrella that was a creamy beige color. And her face...resembled a goddess...So beautiful that it burned your eyes to see it all in one glance. I stared at her until she went up on set.

For sure...I'm going to find out all that I can about her after filming...

Third Person's POV

"And our last contestant...Kim Minae!" The MC, Moon Heejun, says. All of Super Junior looks to the stage, their eyes full of expectation.

Coming from the side of the set came Minae. But they couldn't see all of her. Minae was holding a paper umbrella that was a cream color and it was big enough to cover her whole body and face. The only skin that was showing was Minae's legs...and even those were a showstopper.

Her legs were long and had a fit look to it. They were a pale but healthy color. Minae was wearing heels and it made her legs look even longer. Her legs looked smooth and soft. It almost had a feeling as if, if you could lay your head in her lap, you would never want to move... Minae was walking across the stage and she created an illusion of swaying hips.

All the males in the room had their eyes open and mouths agape.

Minae lifted the umbrella and she made a calm, elegant smile toward the camera. Her eyes formed two half-moons as she smiled and her teeth were showing just a little bit. She did a little twirl in place and the bottom of the dress floated a bit in the air.

All males in the room were shocked, while all the females in the room were jealous. And why isn't that impossible to imagine? Because Minae is simply...beautiful.

*To see the picture of the dress she is wearing, please look at the last chapter's picture in the multimedia section* 

"Anneyeong-haseyo, Minae-imnida. Please judge this pageant equally and fairly," she spoke. All of Super Junior, they have heard Minae talk before. Multiple times. Everyday. But today... they really listened to Minae's voice and could hear the beauty and accent through it.

Inside their heads, they were all thinking the same thing...

Minae, how could you? How can you say your heart belongs to someone...when you look like this?

Minae went to the end of the line in the far back of the stage with the other...'lovely' contestants. As she walked, her back was turned and like any other male on the planet...They all had to stare at Minae's certain assets.

Kangin, Eunghyuk, Heechul, and Sungmin, they all stared at Minae when she was in line. Minae's head was held high and she smiled a smile that made the hearts of Super Junior flutter about in their bodies.

Minae, how could you?

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