Chapter 14. Intimate Note Part Three

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Minae's POV

After all of the games and such, the Mc's wanted to do something from the last time they were on Intimate Note. Guess what? They wanted to host the Miss Intimate contest again. Did I ever mention that I don't like beauty pageants? Well, I guess I'm saying it now. 

Beauty pageants are superficial contests only for girls who actually care about what they look like for other people's opinions. Those are my exact thoughts about beauty pageants. I hate them with a passion. Do you want to guess what I tried to do when I first heard the phrase? I ran like my life depended on it. 

Flashback 2 hours ago 

Did he really just say Miss Intimate contest? That means a beauty pageant right?! I ran out the door and into the parking lot as fast as I could. I really don't want to march across that stage with cake make-up like a Barbie. 

I find a little niche near the parking lot. It was between two buildings. It was a small space that could fit one person barely. I crawl in there and I could fit i I held my breath. I breathe deeply, trying to calm my heart because it was beating as fast as a train with a sugar rush. I crane my head, trying to see if anyone found my hiding spot yet. Before I know it, someone picked me up and out me on top their shoulders.

"Yah! Oppa, please let me go!! I don't want to be in the Miss Intimate contest!!"

He chuckled, who ever he was, "Too bad, Minae." Oh. It was Kyuhyun....

Present Time

Kyuhyun put me down on the ground and I was in line with the rest of the last contest's contestants. At least I'm not going to be the only one doing this... After all the guys presented themselves as the best make-up artists, stylists, and whatnot it was time to choose who got whom. I sprinted and chose Zhou-mi oppa. The other contestants whined and groaned while I stuck my tongue out at them.

I never really talked to Zhou-mi after the confession of my past so I hope the situation doesn't become awkward. When we all went backstage to choose clothes I found out that all of the clothes were the same thing: Chinese dresses of all sizes, designs, and colors. I looked at Zhou-mi weirdly.

" Oppa. Why are the only clothes available are Chinese dresses?" He looked at me before laying his hand on my head and messed up my hair.

" Didn't you pay attention to the MC's? This time, the contest has a theme: Chinese dresses. Now let's hurry. We have to pick all of the good designs for you!!" His eyes sparkled behind his glasses. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the clothes racks. Second by second, minute by minute, I had a pile of dresses in my arms and they... were...(huff) (huff)... really...(huff) HEAVY.

After heading to the dressing room, Zhou-mi turned his back so he couldn't look at me while I was changing. That was something I was really grateful for.

The first dress was a light blue to a white color with sky blue flowers ornamenting the dress. It was around mid-thigh length and it had no sleeves with a high collar. The dress was beautiful but it was too big for me so it was hanging off of my small frame. Zhou-mi turned around and gave his input.

"The dress is beautiful but it washes out your skin color. And there's the problem with it being a bit larger than what you're used to. Don't worry, Minae! There's more dresses for you to try!"

"Ne, oppa," I replied. He handed me another dress in its plastic covering.

" Here! Try this on, I'll turn around."

The next dress was black with a white oriental design on the front skirt flap. It had slits on both sides of the dress revealing a bit of my legs. It had the same collar as the other dress and had small sleeves. I tapped Zhou-mi oppa on the shoulder and he turned around.

" Hmmmm... Not bad, but the design is too simple, too plain. It's an option to keep but let's keep on looking for more, okay?" I nodded. He handed me the next dress.

The next dress had a spring feel to it. The main color was a light, light pink. The main design was these spring flowers of lilies, pansies, and other flowers of different colors popping out on my neck to my heart area and on the lower half of the dress. The dress had very small sleeves and it ended a little above mid-thigh. I really liked this dress.

I gave a short but loud whistle to Zhou-mi oppa and he turned around and his jaw was hanging. He smiled brightly and widely and he ran towards me and picked me up and span me around in a circle. I laughed aloud. He finally put me down on the ground and smiled at me, I smiled back.

"Minae! You look so beautiful. Wait here, I'll get the make-up noona and be right back okay?" I nodded and he took the dresses that I didn't end up wearing and opened the door without revealing me to the other side. I took a seat in a chair in front of a mirror and looked at myself closely.

Beautiful, huh?

He came back with the make-up unnie and I had to stand s she can she what she's working with. It was small but I notices a sparkle in her eye like she had an idea and she slowly started to smile. She came up to me and grabbed both of my hands with her own callused hands.

"Your name is Minae, correct? Well, I'm going to make you look absolutely gorgeous!" She ushered me into the seat I was in previously and had Zhou-mi oppa stand outside the door so he can see the final 'transformation'.

Time to get to work

Hour and a half later...

Zhou-mi's POV

I was standing outside the door to see how Minae looks like when her make-up's done. I couldn't wait to see how she looks like! She already looks beautiful with just the dress on and her face make-up free. I wonder how she looks now... The make-up noona opened the door and poked her head through.

"You can see her now. I guarantee that you two will win the Miss Intimate contest." she said confidently.

I slide in through the small space when the door opened to avoid anybody peeking in to see how Minae looks. I closed the door and it made a squeak as it closed. Minae turned around to see what was making the noise.

My eyes were wide and I could feel my mouth making an O shape. Minae smiled knowing it was only me coming in. My eyes couldn't believe that this person was smiling at me. My heart was beating and my face was starting to heat. I couldn't believe that this other-worldly creature was smiling at me. What is Minae doing to me? Why am I feeling this way?



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